Wednesday, July 08, 2009

Griffin's Tummy X-Rays.

A couple of weeks ago I took Griffin to the doctor because he was complaining about a tummy ache. He complained for about a week before I actually took him to the doctor. His tummy would hurt at different times of the day. He wasn't trying to avoid eating or anything. He would scream and cry and say "my tummy not feel better Mommy".

The pediatrician felt he had gastroenteritis (sp?) and he prescribed Prevacid. It seemed to help a little bit, however he was still having tummy aches.

This past weekend it got worse. On the drive home from Washington, DC he cried for about an hour with a tummy ache.

I knew we were scheduled for his four-year-old wellness check-up on Tuesday and of course we wanted to have this problem checked out again.

The doctor said there were hundreds of different reasons to experience abdominal pain. He said most times in children it was due to constipation. He recommended Griffin have an X-Ray done on his abdomin and we will go from there.

Griffin was a very brave boy yesterday. After seeing the pediatrician and getting four (yes four!) shots ... we headed for the hospital for a "picture of his tummy".

The X-Ray technician was very nice and allowed me to take this picture of our brave little boy on the X-Ray table.

The doctor is supposed to call me tomorrow with the results. I am hoping it's something minor ... or better yet ... nothing at all. Can you please keep Griffin in your prayers. We pray his tummy aches go away.

After being such a big, brave boy we headed for Chick-Fil-A for lunch and then on to Walmart for a special John Deere tractor set.

I pray this is nothing serious.

I love my son and I just want everything to be okay.


  1. Hope Griffin starts feeling better and you find out what's going on with his tummy.

  2. I'll be saying a special little prayer for Griffin, there is nothing worse that not knowing.

    {{Many Hugs}}

  3. Prayers said, I'm sure it will be fine. I have a friend whose little boy has the same issues and it's IBS. Go figure, that's what I have too. Sometimes it's just an increase in fiber that will help his diet and tummy. Keep us posted. Hugs.

  4. Please update us when you hear something. I feel so bad for him. I hope the cause is found and fixed quick!

  5. I hope Griffin feels better soon. I am praying it is nothing serious.

  6. Keeping Griffith in my prayers. It is hard to see our kiddo's in pain.

    Big Hug,


  7. GL finding an answer for him, Missy! I had the same thing about the same age - it was stress and pre-ulcer for me, and easily remedied. Hoping it's easily fixed - please keep us posted.

  8. Anonymous3:44 AM

    I pray he is FINE, I will send an email! Tricia

  9. Feel better soon Griffin!!You are in my thoughts and prayers sweetie::)) As a MOm I know it is so hard to see your baby in any pain and you have no control over it::)
    Big Hugs from me:)
    Love Ya Bunches!!

  10. That sounds very scary Missy. I hope he is feeling better now!
