Monday, February 16, 2009

Zoo'ing It.

Friday was a gorgeous day ... a bit on the chilly side ... but absolutely beautiful.

Griffin and I had no plans ... so we decided to visit the Metro Richmond Zoo. We haven't been there in a long time and we were happy to discover new exhibits and even a train ride!

Griffin is fascinated with peacocks. For a long time they were his favorite animal. Of course the peacock is one of the first animals we came too. He wanted to touch it ... lol ... of course the peacock was having none of that.

After looking at the picture of Griffin with the peacock it made me think of this picture. This one was taken almost 2 years ago (March 2007) ... do you think it's the same peacock. If so ... he's probably thinking "Oh No ... Griffin is BACK!". LOL ... just teasing.

Of course when we go to the zoo ... we have to feed the giraffes.

The majority of our time is usually spent around the giraffes ... wow ... just look at that tongue.

Griffin did really well at the zoo. I'll be honest, this is the first time I didn't use the stroller. When he found out we were going and I was loading him in the car he said "No Stroller Mommy" ... I told him we would try it without the stroller. I was proud of him. He listened, he stayed with me ... he was on his best behavior.

It was fun watching the orangatans ... this one was napping in the warm sun.

I'm sharing a video of Griffin feeding the giraffes below this post ... hope you enjoy it.


  1. ooh im so jealous of all that sunshine and warm weather! great pics!

  2. Love the video clip! Looks like ya'll had a great time.

  3. I didn't know Richmond had a zoo. I will have to check that out when Mason is a little bigger!

  4. We love the zoo! Next time you decide to go, if you want company, give us a holler1

  5. That is great! Richmond Metro Zoo is a little treasure many people don't even know about!

  6. Anonymous4:03 PM

    Now THAT is a ZOO!! I've never seen one where the animals were so close!

  7. Very cute!! It looks like Griffin had a great time.

  8. Griffin looks like he LOVED the Zoo! Van loves animals too!

  9. Hey, at least he called you Mommy when he asked about the stroller ;-) I know that feeling, tho Jack no reverts to mama, which you know I detest....somehow it's less awful in his little voice. GL with all the growing milestones!

  10. Looks like so much fun.We don't have a Zoo close to us we have to drive to Jacksonville Fl. but Cole loves it and it is worth the drive.Oh I love the video it is so cute!

  11. Looks like the perfect day for the zoo. Cute story about the peacock...I bet it's the same one!

  12. Anonymous9:30 AM

    okay were those giraffes laying down or are they "down in the ground" so to speak? Love the monkey thingy
