Tuesday, February 17, 2009


Ever since Griffin could say my name he's called me Mommy ...

Over the past few days I'm beginning to hear Mommy less and less.

I have officially been renamed ...

I'm not so sure I'm ready for this.

I'm Mommy
I like Mommy
Mom just sounds so grown up

Where, oh where has my little baby gone?

And just so you know ... he's calling Mike Dad too.

This is probably happening 80% of the time ... sometimes he forgets and still calls us Mommy & Daddy ... but most of the time it's Mom & Dad.

{ Sigh }


  1. my mother hates "mom" and has forbidden us to call her that. so we all call her "ma" instead!!! LOL

  2. Awe...I never liked "Mom"...I am a "Mama" kind of girl...lol

  3. My parents have always been Momma and Daddy. That's who they'll always be no matter how old I get!

  4. Your baby is offically growing up.I like the Mama too thats what Cole calls me;)

  5. Awww, I know what you mean...

    I have been "mom" for quite some time...makes me want to cry to read this and remember!

    It seems to happen overnight, how our children just grow up before our eyes!!!

    Hope you are doing well!

  6. It is funny how names come about. I think it is great that he is getting more grown up. Myabe that is what his friends call their parents. That usually is the turning factor.

  7. Wait till he calls you Mother that is the worst one. I like Mommy, it is usually followed by I Love You!

  8. I think my kids always called me Mom. They still call me that except every once in a while Wade calls me MOMMA. Don't know where that came from...We always called my mother "MA"...I think that's a New England thing...right Annie?!!!

  9. Probably picked it up at daycare too, ya know?

  10. That's so cute! I always called my mom "Mother" when I was a youngster and didn't start calling her Mom until I was in my teens. Buy my Daddy...like yours was always "Daddy".

  11. Anonymous9:29 AM

    yeah it's funny when they begin to call you Mom....I like Momma, Mitchell calls me that :)
