Monday, January 19, 2009

Ice Ice Baby.

Griffin's little pool got a bit wayward recently when the winds picked up and carried it to the backyard. The rained collected inside and then it froze thanks to the cold weather we've had recently.

Who knew adding a little bit of water and some frigid temperatures could result in such fun???

Here we find Griffin dipping his toe in to find out what the ice was all about

He quickly realized this was going to be alot of F-U-N!

He had the BEST time playing in his little icy pool

Stomp ... Crack ... Stomp Stomp ... Crack!

Here's my sweet husband, Mike ... working on the deck ... it's really coming along ... can't wait until spring to have our first BBQ back there!


  1. what a guy!!! working on the deck when its cold enough for ice!!! please come check out my superawesome giveaway in celebration of my 600th post and my new blog design!! i hope you will play!! :)

  2. It's amazing what kids will do for fun. Griffin would probably love ice skating. I can almost picture him playing hockey. And what can I say about Mike....he just awesome. Can't wait to see the finished porch.

  3. pics too cute AND now the song is stuck in my head!

  4. Your deck looks great!!

  5. kids find fun with everything----but then they look for something else, not knowing just what, only that what use to be fun is now old and not so fun-----its a learning curve they go through----us adults call it "life" (lol)

  6. Awwww......he looks like he's having so much fun......and such a simple thing....go figure.....

    Can you BELIEVE I missed the piecing yesterday AGAIN????? But I've got my eye on a couple more.....

  7. Griffin is soooo cute:)
    We might get some ice tonight the temps are supposed to dip down low and some rain is coming:(

  8. Griffin had his very own ice rink!! Looks like fun, and your porch is looking good. You have a very hard working husband! Isn't that awesome?!

  9. Oh my goodness! Look at all the progress on the deck since we were there! How exciting!!!

  10. Insomnia - bad, catching up on what's going on with Miss Mimi - good! Sorry I couldn't talk yesterday - we can't wait to see you soon!!!!!
