Tuesday, January 20, 2009

History Will Be Made Today.

Today a newly elected President will take the oath of office at 12:00 noon.

Barack Obama will make history when he is sworn in as the 44th President of the United States of America.

I hope for the change he has promised.


  1. AMEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. yes, I agree. Let's wait and see....

  3. The majority of voters elected him, as he promised change----but I suspect the reality of the situation is----there will be little in the way of change, and a great chance that things will only get worse, not due to his fault, its just the nature of things. not all problems can be fixed by throwing dollars at it-----time will tell, and I wish our new president the best of luck.

  4. I agree with Gary. Time will tell.

  5. I am hoping for a change???Who knows???But I didn't watch the ceramony today because I have never watched it and had way too much cleaning to do:)

  6. Missy, I just wanted to drop by and say Hi! You know my political views and still love me. And I know you voted for Bill Clinton way back when and I still love you.

    If you want to delete this comment you can. Hey...I voted for Richard Nixon the first time I got to vote and will happily share that information with anyone to this day.

    Hugs, Andi

  7. Me too girl!!! I didn't vote for Obama, but now that he is our president, I do support him, and pray that he will do those things he promised, to help our country.

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