Friday, January 16, 2009

Artic Blast.

We are going to experience some very cold weather over the next couple of days ... an arctic blast of cold weather, they say.

It is 8 degrees here this morning!!!

I'm not a fan of cold weather ... at all. I guess growing up in Florida, I still have that southern blood in me that prefers the warmer climate.

I plan to stay home if possible, bundle up, make some pasta fajoli soup in the crockpot and keep the fireplace roaring to stay warm.

What about you?

What do you do when the temperatures outside read in the teens or below?

If interested in the pasta fajoli soup, you can find the recipe by clicking HERE.

Hey ... take a look at what I recently added to my eBay store ... click
HERE for more information!

Stay warm ...


  1. If I had a fireplace I'd be near it with a good book and some hot chocolate. I think any kind of soup would be in the crock pot...always good stuff on a cold day. Of course, growing up in the North and not knowing any better, I guess I might go out ice skating or sledding. A trip to the mall was always good too.

  2. cold weather always makes me want to cook too... even yesterday before i left for the dentist i put up a pot of beef stew. today im going to make a pork roast...we usually go out on fridays but its too cold to want to venture out. im thinking something hot and sweet for dessert, too... maybe bread pudding? hope you all stay warm and safe and dry!!!!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I got the Vera Bradley change purse yesterday and I LOVE it....Thank You so much!!!

    I would love the recipe for the pasta fajoli if you feel like sharing....

    I hope y'all stay warm today!

  5. I love the cold weather and I just want to go out and play--bundled up good, of course! Cold weather makes my dogs frisky, so they're ready to play too! Stay warm!

  6. It never gets that cold here in warm southern california. Sorry!!

  7. It's soooo cold here too!!
    When I came home from work tonight I drove through town and the bank sign said -6!!BRRRRRRRRRR
    I'm making some nice hot soup for dinner and think I'll treat myself to some hot chocolate too. Hard to beleive a week ago I was in Mexico and the temp was in the 80's!

    Stay warm Missy!

  8. Stay warm girly!We have some cold temps here too but not that cold Brrrrrr.....I am hibernating indoors this weekend and trying to get some scrapping time:)
    Take care!!
