Sunday, December 21, 2008

Preparing For Guests ...

I am beyond excited this morning ... the reason?

We have guests arriving today!

Mike's Mom Bett (Grandma) will be flying in this morning to spend a week with us. And our good friends Fred, Judy and their daughter Tanya from Florida are taking a road trip to the northeast for Christmas, so they have decided to spend the night locally and spend the day with us!

We are going to have a house full and I am 'n that!

Mike got up at 6:00 this morning to get a boston butt (pork roast) in the smoker for dinner. I'll add sweet potatos, green beans and broccoli bread to complete our yummy meal! I'm also going to make a Hershey Bar Pie and maybe even Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cookies.

We had a fun family day out shopping yesterday ... our final stop was the grocery store.

We found this amazing flowering plant while we were out ... it's a "Shooting Star Hydrangea" ... isn't it gorgeous??

Here's a closer look at the flowers ... they really do look like stars.

I better get off the computer ... I have a little bit of cleaning to do before heading to the airport to pick Bett up.

Hope you all have a happy, family filled Sunday!


  1. Anonymous8:00 AM

    Missy,God bless you and hope this Christmas is the best ever.

  2. What a great time. Have fun!!

  3. What an awesome day you have planned I hope you have the best time with family and friends!!

  4. Oh what fun it is!!! Christmastime and company is coming!!! Hope you make lots of wonderful memories together.

    Love that plant. I've never seen anything like that before. It's just beautiful!

    Merry Christmas! Love, Andi

  5. Busy girl you'll be. I know you are loving it. Friends and family make anytime special but especially at Christmas. I love that plant. I may have to see if I can find one local. The flowers really do look like stars. Who would have thought it was a hydrangea?

  6. Have a fabulous time with your friends & family! Love the plant, I've never seen anything like it. Wonder if we have any of those here? I'll have to make a trip to Kroger's later and see! lol

  7. Anonymous9:58 AM

    wow those are beautiful flowers, they look fake! I've never seen them.

  8. Anonymous9:58 AM

    wow those are beautiful flowers, they look fake! I've never seen them.
