Monday, December 08, 2008

It Snowed!

I took the weekend off from the computer and quite honestly, it felt great.

The entire weekend was spent at home decorating the house for Christmas, writing out Christmas cards, cleaning, creating and just enjoying each other's company.

Mike worked on the porch addition in the freezing cold while Griffin and I stayed in the house all toasty warm. I made pasta fajoli soup and it was quite delicious! If you would like the recipe click
here. It's so good served with freshly grated parmesan cheese and warm yeast rolls. YUM!

Saturday night we had snow ... and there is still a little bit on the ground.

After dinner, I wanted Griffin to be able to see the snow falling. Why I waited until he had already changed into his jammies, I'm not quite sure. But even though he looks pretty dressed down for the snow, I assure you it wasn't that cold and we were only out there a few minutes. He loved having the snow fall down on him.

Griffin is very hot natured ... but we finally got him to put his hat on just like daddy.

Back in the house they came to snuggle and warm up by the fireplace.

We put our Christmas tree and Christmas village up yesterday. I will share that in tomorrow's blog.

We are headed to Lowe's today ... all of their Christmas decorations are 50% off. I'm hoping they have some good things left.


  1. Lucky You! I Love it when it snows!
    I love the picture of Griffin in the snow. Glad you are enjoying your holidays!

  2. The boy of yours is so cute!! I never get tired of hearing what he is doing.

  3. Aww...I am so glad that Griffin is getting to see some snow this close to Christmas that must be so magical::))

  4. Snow!!!! Will you send some our way? We finally got some here in Meridian, ID, but it didn't last long at all. :( Glad Griffin enjoyed it. Snow is beautiful and so much fun.
    I found your blog from Susies Q's.
    The soup sounds great. Thanks for sharing. Will be back to visit more.

  5. Sometimes you just have to take time away from your computer. What a great way to spend the weekend....decorating. The village on the mantle and your tree look wonderful. Griffin did a great job on the tree. And once again I am have snow.

  6. Anonymous8:28 AM

    we had snow like that on Saturday night but it wasn't much.
