Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Favorite Ornaments.

How is it possible that every single ornament I put on our Christmas tree is my favorite?

As we were unwrapping the ornaments and placing them on the tree I would think "Oh Wow ... that's my favorite ornament". And then I would get to the next one and I would think "Oh No ... now ... THAT'S my favorite".

Seriously ... this went on with every single ornament!

So, now I'm thinking that ... yes ... it is possible every single ornament hung on our Christmas tree is my favorite ornament.

Here you see our Christmas tree with all of our favorite ornaments!

Let's take a closer look at some of our ornaments. See that Santa Claus? That's a sweet handmade ornament that my sister-in-law
Bonnie made! Isn't it darling? It's an antique serving spoon that she painted to look like Santa Claus!

And here you see many of my handmade dolls ... I just love them ... but look closer and you will see Wyatt's Christmas bone ornament. I miss our Wyatt dearly, so I make sure to put his ornament on the tree each year.

Even more favorites ... and do you see that darling little red & white glass ornament? I just LOVE those! I only have six of them and I treasure them. I keep looking for more of them each year and can't find them.

I love adding small pictures from the year on our tree too! This is a picture of Griffin with Santa Claus his first Christmas. And see that bright green Christmas tree ornament? Griffin made that the other day ... he was so proud to add it to the tree!

And then there is this ...

I thought I would share a little something I've been dealing with here on the home front.

A couple of weeks ago I hurt my finger while I was cleaning the bathroom of all things. I punctured my finger on a piece of glass. I thought I found the glass and threw it in the garbage can. I didn't have a cut on my finger, seriously it was just a puncture that wouldn't stop bleeding.

Over the past couple of weeks it's been very tender and I seemed to keep hitting it every time I turned around. I would feel around on it and it just seemed like something was in there even thought it had almost healed over.

Last night I took a straight pin and poked around it and realized there was something in my finger.

Mike did a little operating and removed this from my finger ...

It was a 1/2" piece of glass stuck in my finger ... do you see it?

Oh my gosh!!

It was stuck in the punctured area. It was in there laterally, rubbing into my bone! It hurt soooo bad ... but I'm so glad he got it out. When it finally came out, the pressure I've been feeling in my finger was immediately gone. It's still pretty sore this morning, so I'm making sure to keep it clean, medicated and covered.

Now that I've probably grossed you out ... I'll wish you a happy day!


  1. Anonymous8:21 AM

    that's quite a piece of glass there. Ouch!!
    You have LOTS of ornaments on your tree, is there any bare branches? LOL. Love the shape of your tree!

  2. OUCH!!!! I can't imagine the glass being in there and it didn't come out sooner. Glad Mike was there to operate. Your tree looks MAHVELOUS! as always. And thanks for showing off my spoon. I need to know, though. Is the beard on yours turning black? The one on mine is and Jerome thinks it's because the silver is tarnishing. Glad your finger is feeling better.

  3. Anonymous9:08 AM

    I love the tree. So many memories make it special.Im sorry about your ouchy and hope it feels better soon.

  4. Your tree is BEAUTIFUL!! I love that each ornament has a special meaning to it..that's how it should be.
    Bonnie is so talented too..that spoon is darling. I enjoy seeing your tree each year, love the dolls. I'm sure in years to come it will fill up with ornaments made by Griffin too.
    Sorry about your puncture, but glad Mike was able to perform a successful operation!

  5. My tree looks really skimpy this year, but we only used hallmark ornaments and some really special ones that my Mama used to have on her tree. I didn't have the energy to keep placing ornaments, but next year it will be packed again!

    I am so glad you got the glass out of your finger. That really could have caused a lot more problems down the road.

  6. I love your tree and all the memories of each of your favorite ornaments.....all my ornaments are my favorites too.......I could NEVER pick just one....

    I'm glad you were able to get the glass out of your finger....I would have passed out while my husband was 'operating'.....I'm such a baby when it comes to stuff like that......

  7. eww, I've had a simular thing happen with a splinter in my finger... You just never know... Oh, I love your tree... T

  8. Ouch is right!! I am glad you found it before it got infected.

  9. Ouch!! I am so glad that you got that glass out of your finger.Keep it covered w/ a Bandaid and Neosporin{Hugs}...I love your Christmas tree it is lovely and the ornaments are fab too::))
