Thursday, December 11, 2008

Fabulous Blogger Award.

I was gifted with this cute award today from the very wonderful Susie Q.

I am to pass this along to five blogs that I find fabulous ... there are soooo many that I find fabulous it's going to be hard to choose!

Fabulous' Award Rules:

1. You have to pass it on to 5 fabulous blogs.

2. You have to list 5 of your fabulous addictions.

3. Make sure you include the person that gave you the award and link it back to them.

My 5 Fabulous Addictions:

1. Spending time with my husband and son ... this is the MOST fabulous of my addictions!

2. Taking pictures ... I'm so lucky to have a digital camera ... I am forever and always taking pictures wherever and whatever we are doing!

3. Blogging ... I've met so many wonderful people through blogging. I've also grown closer to many people I already knew since blogging as well ... that's just icing on the cake!

4. Cupcakes ... I've never met a cupcake I didn't like. How wonderful is it to be able to enjoy a sweet little cake decorated prettily and it tastes so wonderful!

5. Coffee ... I'm addicted to my two cups of wonderfully brewed coffee each morning. I add a splash of milk, a touch of french vanilla cream a couple of Splendas and I'm good to go!

My Fabulous 5 are:

I actually feel each and every blog I visit daily is FABULOUS ... but alas I will choose five to share this sweet "Fabulous Blog Award" with! Susie Q and I have many of the same blogging friends in common ... she's right we've been in this "together" from the beginning ... those she shared the award with KNOW I think they are fabulous as well ... and these wonderfully ladies are fabulous too:


Here's wishing all of my fabulous blogging friends a FABULOUS day!


  1. Thank you for my wonderful award. I just love getting these AND giving them. However, everyone I can give them to already seems to have one,LOL.

  2. Hey Missy, Thanks for the Fabulous Blogger Award.... I have been wanting to do a list type thing.... It's going to be tomorrow before I do it though.... I have some exciting news to share later this afternoon.... T

  3. Wasn't it fun to receive this award from our Susie Q!!! And I love everyone you passed it along to.

  4. Oh Missy! I am so sorry I am just now seeing this! I have been a blogger slacker, but I will do this soon! Thank you so much for thinking of me!
