Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Snow Flurries.

We had snow flurries through out the day yesterday ... and I was loving it!

I have this complete joy every single time I see snow. I guess growing up in Florida, I will always be a southern girl at heart.

We woke up to 19 degree weather this morning ... brrrrrrrrr ... I'm not so sure I'm ready for winter to come just yet.

See the tiny little white specks? That is snow!

We lit the fireplace last night for the first time ...

And we pulled out Griffin's warm pj's ... he loves these ... he says they are "cool". He realized if he stood just a little closer to the fireplace it would warm his bottom. That made me giggle.

Just a note about the fireplace:
Normally we have a gate up around it so a busy, inquisitive 3-year-old will not decide to see how it works. We will be putting it up today. Don't worry, we do NOT allow him to play on the fireplace hearth.


  1. I'm so jealous of the snow AND the fireplace. And I know how careful you are with Griffin, so we all know you'll make sure he's safe with the fireplace. I love your blog headers....I think everyone should check them out. 4 more days until I get to see you guys. I can't wait.

  2. What????Snow????
    I am so jealous just this morning it was 27 degrees when I took Cole to school and he said "Momma take a picture of the frost on the groud because we never get any snow" You know my kid comes from a scrapbooker I have created a monster with the picture taking::))Enjoy your snow my sweet friend!!!
    It's a shame that you have to put a disclaimer about the fireplace on your blog but the people that matter know that you are an awesome mommy and know that you are not raising a firestarter::))

  3. We had a little too, but just a quick shower, could not get a picture. Dang it

    How exciting about your new blog header adventure, you are really branching out!

  4. What a cool idea Missy!! Good luck with the new site.

  5. We had about 4 snow down pours yesterday and after each one, the sun would come out and what had fell melted really quickly. I have to say I hate snow because my husband still has to go to work even when it is bad and that scares me.

    And I am sure as good of parents as you and your husband are, Griffin knows that fire is dangerous. It is good to be cautious, but I am sure you kept your eyes on him the entire time. :o)

  6. I can't quite picture Griff, playing the role of Cinderfella (lol)-----as for your Header enterprise, should be a good one, I would suggest however when you design your headers that they are not real big, waaay to many headers are so big that those coming to the blog see nothing but the header and have to manually scroll down to see any post, which is very annoying.

  7. Griffin looks adorable in his pj's. Actually Missy, I didn't think a thing about him standing on the fireplace hearth. My brothers and I always were on our fireplace hearth growing up. I remember even getting to pop popcorn over the open fire, and we all survived!

    See you soon!!!

  8. Anonymous7:36 AM

    You are so talented. I have been looking at your headers. I change mine so much,but maybe after the holidays I will let you do me one and leave it up for awhile.
    Great job and good luck.
