Friday, November 21, 2008

Sitting With Santa Claus.

Santa Claus arrived at the local mall this past week so I took Griffin to share with Santa what is on his wishlist and to have his picture taken.

He told Santa Claus that he wants a "Christmas train".

I'll be honest, I was a bit disappointed with the picture they gave me ...

Don't get me wrong ... I always think my little guy is a cutie ... but something about this picture just doesn't sit well with me. For one thing, I do not like that border, at all. Griffin was being very shy, so Santa was trying to get him to smile. They caught this little "I'm not gonna smile for the camera look" in this picture.

They have this sign up basically forbidding people to use their own cameras to take pictures. If I'm going to spend $30.00 on one picture, at least let me take another 20 (quickly) with my own camera so I get a picture that I truly like.

We've gone to the same mall each year and the past three years it's been the same Santa Claus. This year, a new Santa Claus arrived ... I know that's part of why I'm disappointed too. Also, in the picture, all you see is Santa and Griffin ... yes ... I know ... they are the focus of the picture, but in years past they've also shown some of the beautiful background scenery in the picture as well. I guess I'm missing that. And ... Santa doesn't have any holly in his hat like the past three years. I loved the holly on the hat.

I think we may have to have do-overs ... maybe Uncle Santa will be available for pictures this year.

Allow me to share some Santa Claus and Griffin pictures from years past.

2007 ~ His 3rd Christmas

2006 ~ His 2nd Christmas

2005 ~ His 1st Christmas

I made this collage of his first three Santa pictures ... just thought I would share.


  1. I agree with the picture being too close up. I don't think the picture itself is bad. I think Griffin's "shy" smile is sweet. But of course, if we can find some Christmas background somewhere, Uncle Santa is always available.

  2. Missy, I agree with you completely! If you're purchasing a picture you should be able to take your own photos as well. And why they think zooming in on the subject makes a desirable photo is beyond me. I hate when I've handed my camera off to someone to take a photo only to find that they've zoomed right in on faces and missed three quarters of what I wanted in the picture. And then I hate to look or sound ungrateful but I want a "do-over".

    I do think Griffin's little shy smile is adorable though!!! Maybe if you took the photos from the prior 3 years to the mall along with this years and showed them what you wanted they would re-take for you.

    Do you know if it's a place called Cherryhill Photo that did the picture taking? I know they do a lot of the mall photos with Santa and the Easter Bunny. You should be able to find them online if that's the case. They would want their customers happy.

    Sorry this is so long...

  3. I agree with you Missy...I like the past year photos much better. You're right, the Holly on Santa's hat does add something "special" to just looks more festive I think. I wonder why if they have that beautiful background they would want to zoom in on just the participants? If I was spending $30 (omg..that's outragous)for one photo...I'd make sure it was one I actully loved!
    Of course, our little G can't take a "bad" this one does not do him justice!

  4. The previous years are cuter. But Griffin doesn't take a bad picture. He is so darn cute!

  5. You've seen ours at Regency, take him there, I like what they did :)

  6. Speaking from experience now with 2 kids getting all the school and soccer pictures, I know that I'm typically never happy with the photos when I first get them. However, once I look back at them after time has passed, I realize how silly I was and how absolutely adorable the pictures are, regardless of what I saw wrong the first time. Does that make sense?

    Your guy is absolutely adorable. You have no worries.

    The last set of school pix I received I almost cried because I thought they were so bad. I put them aside for a month before I took them out again and realized they were just fine.
    However, I do feel your pain about the cost and not being able to take your own photos.

  7. Although I agree it's a sweet picture of Griffin, I've been distraught ever since you showed me it's not "Santa". That was the most amazing Santa ever, this guy is pretty jolly, but it's not the same - I don't think G looks as comfortable ?? Colleen's point is really true - I've found that same thing after giving it a while. Still searching for the real Santa...:sniff:

  8. Awe...I know that disappointment! I have the same problem as Andi...I hate handing my camera off to someone who can't take pictures. That really scares me when Mason is born...I need to give my family some photography

  9. Wow, $30 for one picture! They sure do like to take advantage of us parents who want to savor the memories of our children with santa. Thank God for me, our famiy usually has a big Christmas get-together where santa visits. I like the past pictures too because of the background, but your son looks too too cute to me in this picture.

  10. Anonymous9:50 PM

    our malls have the same situation, no personal pictures unless you buy theirs.

  11. I love the pics of Griffin and I agree I would like to see the background in the recent one but it is still great!!!

  12. I agree give me a little background too. Griffin is growing into a handsome little guy.
