Monday, October 20, 2008

Happy Birthday Joy!

Today is my sweet sister Joy's birthday ...

Happy Birthday To You Joy!

(This is my sister Joy with her daughters Harley & Stephanie)

My sister-in-law Bonnie is having a fun "Name That Halloween Witch Contest" on her blog ... Click HERE for more information!

And ... I have some fun new paper piecings listed on Ebay! I have listed some of my popular pieces ... as well as lots of new ones!

To find my paper piecings click

We are having a GREAT time while Pop & Nana are here ... I'll share some pictures of our visit soon.


  1. Happy Birthday, Joy!

    I love all your paper piecings and I am going to get some, so hopefully I'll get in the mood to scrap. And thanks for mentioning my contest. It's always nice to have people share my blog.

  2. Anonymous8:57 AM

    love teh scalloped circles, too cute. I stopped by your SIL's blog yesterday :)

  3. cute paper piercings (whatever the hell they are)---now to Bonnie's blog for another shot at naming the witch (lol)---ohh and Happy birthday Joy.

  4. No wonder you like fall. These are very cute!!

  5. Happy Birthday to Joy!

    Cute paper piecings!!!

    I thought Bonnie's witch should be named Heloise...a little twist on the name you selected which I thought of as well.
