Sunday, October 19, 2008

Another Give-A-Way ~ Martha Stewart Owl Punch

Yes ... it's time for ANOTHER give-a-way!

If you are a frequent reader of my blog you KNOW how much I this Martha Stewart Paper Craft Punch!

Well ... I actually bought two of them ... one for me and one to share.

To enter for the give-a-way all you have to do is leave a comment on THIS post.

Tell me why you want it.

I will then put everyone's name in a hat and draw a winning name.

Comment entries will be accepted Sunday, October 19th through Sunday, October 26th. The winning name will be announced right here on my blog on Monday, October 27th!

Good Luck & Have Fun!


  1. I don't want the paperpunch thank you - it's so kind of you to offer though!
    Wishing everyone luck with this contest, that cute owl thing better go to a good home.

  2. I am in love with owl's lately, I even bought a vest with one on it, my family laughed at me, but I love it

  3. Anonymous9:00 AM

    Oh I know you loved this owl, because you personally shared it with me off blog :)

    I bought one as soon as I saw yours on Ebay. Good luck with the give-a-way though:)

  5. You know I'm not an owl person, but please enter me. I know some special people who would dearly love it and I would be willing to pass it on to one of them. Of course, if the fact that I won't keep it for myself elimates me from the competition, that's fine too, because it will go to someone who truly loves owls. You are the best, always thinking about giving some joy away all the time.

  6. okay I give up, you call it an "owl" punch because it does--??--what exactly. (I mean I KNOW it has nothing to do with real owls--or does it?)

  7. You are the sweetest to always share your goodies I love anything Owl-y:))
    I saw some Owl bathroom stuff at Target like the shower curtain,rug,garbage can, towels and it is so tempting to redo Cole's bathroom in owls but the colors of the stuff are dark and fall colored and I know I will want to redo it again in the spring and that could get expensive:))Good Luck to everyone!!

  8. Owls are so popular right now.
    I would LOVE to have that puch so I can be hip & trendy too!!!

  9. I really love owls. My sons class is going to start "studying" birds and I'd love to make these for all the children! and....I've NEVER won anything....EVER!
    thanks and God Bless

  10. I love this punch! This might give me some incentive to get some scrappin done! Even if I don't win...I was planning on ordering some punchies off your ebay ;)

  11. Anonymous11:37 PM

    It is SO CUTE! I'd love to have it! Owls are great. You can use them for school theme items, Halloween theme items, zoo theme items - so much! Please enter me in the contest. Thanks!

  12. Anonymous9:57 AM

    He is absolutely adorable! He would be soooooo cute in my scrapbook pages!

    I LOVE the Martha Stewart Owl Craft Punch!

    Janet Doll

  13. Anonymous10:16 AM

    That owl is adorable. I'd love it fot my fall layouts

  14. Anonymous11:30 AM

    I would love to have the punch! It is just too cute and would look cute on some "Whooo loves you pages?" Also, I live too far from a Target to go buy one. LOL

    Kristen Cooper

  15. Anonymous2:50 PM

    You always have the coolest things to give away. I am so loving the owls lately, you can find them everywhere, but I haven't seen this yet. Also, my mother-in-law loves owls so I would make her some cool things for her house too!

    Thanks Missy for making my blog reading that much more fun!!

    Jen from PA

  16. I have a thing for Owls right now and would LOVE to win!

  17. Missy,

    I just absolutely love your blog. I have been popping in for quite a while. To tell you the truth, I have never won any blog candy... And I just LOVE Owl's, in fact, just bought an owl stamp the other day. In fact, I bought a tree also,that the owl punch would look perfect in! Would be great for a card and a scrapbook page. :o)

    Any-Whoooo, Thanks for being such a great blogger, and thanks for sharing. Good luck to everyone, have a wonderful day!


  18. I would love to have it for a friend! She loves the Sass stamps but is on a spending freeze!

  19. My ten year old daughter is in love with owls. She uses Owl as her "writing" nickname. For her birthday party we are having a owl theme with live owls from a conservation center and I needed to come up with crafts for the girls to do. So we're making "owl towels" with fabric markers and "Owl Pages" notebooks with owl stamps, stickers, cutouts and whatever else I can come up with. You know owl stuff is hard to find!

  20. I am so totally hooked on Owls right now and this is an adorable punch. I would love to add it to my collection. I dont have any punches like this only shapes (circles and squares). This one looks like fun to play with. THanks for the blog candy!
    Dawn :)

  21. I won't enter this time many other people that truly want it. Just wanted to thank you for offering your give aways! One of these days I'll win

  22. Love the owl punch, I will have to look for it.. I love your site I'm very new to scrapping. but once I did my first page I got hooked. Thanks for sharing

  23. OMG!! What a great punch this is!! Wish we could get it overhere...
    Love your blog as well.... :)

  24. Good Luck everyone!
    I can't wait to see who wins!

  25. Anonymous6:29 AM

    I love punches in general and this is really a cute one.
