Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Post 700.

It's hard to believe I've had something to say 700 times ... but today it is indeed my 700th post.

Yesterday Griffin and I were on a quest to find a solid red polo type shirt for him to wear to school today. He is getting his first school pictures taken and the background will be blue. I thought a solid red shirt would look nice. A red shirt was harder to find than I thought. Right now both Target and Walmart both do not have a good selection of little boy clothes. We finally found one at Kohl's in the boy's department. I found the smallest one they had and it fits him. The big question now is does he wear khaki or denim shorts. And, his shoes will show in the picture, so do we go with the Elmo sandals or his tennis shoes. Decisions. Decisions.

Do you know what this is a picture of?

Folks ... this is one of my PET PEEVES!!! I absolutely do not like it when people back in or pull through parking spaces. It aggravates the heck out of me. When they do this their rear view mirrors are in the way of getting Griffin into the car. Why do people do this? It's ridiculous. It's selfish. It's RUDE!

If people would pull directly into a parking spot (like they are supposed to), both driver's mirrors match up. When someone backs into a spot their mirrors are in the way when you are trying to get into the car.

This seems to be a very huge choice here in Virginia. And it's something I do not understand.

So, if you are a backer-upper or a puller-througher, please reconsider doing this next time you park. Remember those parked on either side of you, and how inconvenient it may be for them.

Okay ... I am now stepping down from my soap box.

Good Day All!!


  1. I might have the answer for you Missy about the parked cars. Some people, like me, can't turn their heads all the way around to back out. Also, people that wear glasses sometimes can't see when they turn their heads to back out. Just a thought, I know I've had problems in the past with my glasses and backing up.
    I don't always pull through, but I do sometimes. I have to tell you, I'm a bit afraid to back up because I had a slight fender bener doing so a couple of years ago. When I do back up, I go VERY slow, which also irratates people waiting for my space, but better safe than sorry.

    I can't wait to see G's scholl picture...you'll post it right?

  2. 700 POSTS!! WOW Z WOW!!
    I am almost at 500.

    Can't wait to see Griffin's picture. You need to make a Back to School paper piercing if you haven't already!

    Here is to 700 more posts!

  3. Happy 700th!

    My pet peeve: when someone parks so close to your vehicle that you have to use a can opener to get back into your truck!

  4. Good Soap Box. I don't have that problem any more so I don't seem to notice if people pull in like that. I just think they are stupid and keep moving. I am sure they have good reason for doing it.

  5. Woo Hoo!! 700th post that is great.

  6. I would do the khaki shorts,red polo and the tennis shoes:))Sound like a handsome outfit:))
    Have fun!!

  7. get big sign on car that reads "Do Not Block this is a "Griffin" loading zone.---violators will be frowned at my Missy (Proud Griffin Owner)

  8. I love Gary's suggestion! Forgot to tell you congrats on your 700th post! I'm at 88..so soon I will make it to 100...that will have to be a special one I think!

  9. Congrats on your 700th!

    Hmm...well, I will admit I have done this. Uh huh, I have..for various reasons. But I do like your friend's Griffin sign comment!

  10. Congrats on your 700th!

    Hmm...well, I will admit I have done this. Uh huh, I have..for various reasons. But I do like your friend's Griffin sign comment!

  11. Read this blog yesterday and didn't know what to say. I pull through because, like Sue, I'm not good at backing up. And Jerome backs into spots. And I'm not going to stop. Even though now I know it may inconvenience a few. I'd rather be an inconvenience to someone than have a fender bender. Sorry :) And CONGRATS on 700. I am almost to 100.

  12. I personally always drive through whenever possible. I originally did it because backing out in parking lots is so nerve wracking with so many cellphone talkers and such not paying attention and just whipping through the parking lots. I've had way too many near misses. Now, with the recent gas price issue, I have heard and read repeatedly that driving through is one of many gas savers. It takes more gas to drive in reverse because of gear ratios (whatever they are?!).
    Mind you, I am always very careful pulling through so I don't have someone else pulling into the spot at the same time as me!
    ALL that said, I will take notice next time I do it if it seems like a problem for anyone parked next to me. I never noticed that before even when getting my own 2 out.
    Congrats on your post DCC! Keep them coming!
