Monday, September 08, 2008

It's Monday.

This weekend I did not turn on the computer. Not even once. It felt good and a bit liberating to do that. I just needed a break.

It's 8:30 am and Griffin is still sleeping. I can hardly believe it. This is my early to rise at 6:00 am child. I just went up to check on him and he is snoring away. I guess he needs the rest.

On Saturday we had a bit of weather generated from Hurricane Hanna. We had quite a bit of rain and some wind gusts. The worst part of the weather was past us by mid-afternoon. I'm very greatful it was no worse than it was.

My neighbor Warren called to see if I wanted some fresh from his garden green beans, wax beans and tomatos. Of course I did!! On Saturday I snapped the two bean varieties and cooks them together. I put then in water, added a spoon of bacon grease (yep, bacon grease) and half a stick of butter. I simmered them about 40 minutes and they were absolutely DELICIOUS! Mike made a rotisseried turkey breast (YUM!) and I added some stuffing to finish the meal. I haven't decided what I will do with the tomatos yet. I'm thinking about making some sort of stewed tomatos and maybe serve them over rice. Does anyone have a great tomato recipe you can share?

On Sunday I woke up craving barbeque chicken. I thought I would try something new and put it in the crock pot to simmer all day. I layered the bottom of the pot with onions, added 6 boneless chicken breasts, a can of chicken broth, added another layer of onions on top, and then poured barbeque sauce all over it. It sounds good, right? NOPE! It was awful!!! I cooked the chicken waaaay too long. It was almost like barbeque soup with chicken breasts. Yuck ... just yuck! Next time I want barbeque chicken I will wait for Mike to make it on the grill for us.

One of the highlights of my weekend was talking to my sister-in-law
Bonnie on the telephone. It was nice to catch up and to hear her voice.

Griffin and I have to go grocery shopping today. As soon as our little man gets up and has breakfast we will be out the door.

Hope you have a great day!!


  1. Glad to hear that you all were safe through Hanna, I am so glad that it was sucha mild storm.

    Try this site fro recipes I have tried several and they always turn out great. (this is not the smiling cake pops site} lol

    She does step by step directions.
    She also does lots of giveaways

  2. LOL at the chicken.

    Here's a good one...

    Good thing we didn't lose the electricity, but was looking forward to the chance of visiting with you if we did :) Maybe next hurricane :)

  3. I envy you for being able to turn that computer off. If mine is not on and on-line at all times, I might just meltdown ;-)

    The best recipe I've used fresh tomatoes from our garden in lately is a Veal with Tomatoes and Spinach dish that I got from Holly Clegg's Trim & Terrific Diabetic Cooking. However, I know you'd need to drive to SP to get veal if you don't have it.

    I'll e-mail it to you for future reference.

  4. This is modern America Missy, trust me you CAN go into a grocery store with out a man---and nobody will really look twice at ya. (but show some class and wear some clothes---so many women and young girls should never bare their midrifs-----I don't care what Maddona says.

  5. I am glad you made it through Hanna!!

  6. Hey I sent you a Stewed Tomato recipe from my granny's cookbook. I hope it helps. Lots of yummy ideas here in your blog. I'm gonna have to check them out. It was good talking to you this weekend. 1 1/2 hours....girl, you know it's been awhile. Let me know how the tomatoes come out. The veggies look scrumptious.

  7. Hi MIssy
    I am so glad to hear that you didn't get alot of bad weather from the Hurricane/TS..
    I have heard alot of really good stuff about "The Pioneer Women" site so I may have to check it out to.Good luck with the recipes I need all of the help I can get:))
    Have a great week!
