Monday, September 01, 2008

Labor Day.

Today is Labor Day and I really have nothing to blog about.

So ... I thought I would share a photo of what my "Labor Day" resulted in February 7, 2005 ...

Griffin was just a few months old in this picture ...

Can you believe he will begin Pre-School tomorrow?

Time sure does fly by very quickly!!

Enjoy your Labor Day!


  1. Hey Missy! when you said you were going to show us what your Labor Day resulted in, I quickly added 9 months to September but did not get February ;-)
    Maybe we'll see you at the parade today? Either way, have a great day. Call me tomorrow if you need to...

  2. Have a great Labor Day and I will be thinking of you tomorrow when you say good bye to Griffin's babyhood. Try to be a "big girl" Take care.

  3. Too Cute that lil' Griffin!!!
    I will be thinking about you tomorrow I hope that all goes well for you and Griffin:))

  4. Hey the kid is about to start school, okay pre-school, its time to stop molly coddling him and switch to backing him up and helping him develope confidence in himself---you can start by talking to him like he was an independent person, not a family attachment. He's not "Griffin", or "little Griffy", he's in school, now he's "Griff" or "The Griffster". (top dude of the Preschool)

  5. Ya gotta love Gary's comments. I laugh everytime. Tomorrow is a big step for both of you, but you will make it. It's only 1 1/2 hours and it's only twice a week. I vote you go to the scrapbook store and spend an hour and 1/2 of "me" time to keep your mind off things. You can call my cell if you need to talk. Love you.

  6. Be sure and take pictures of Griffin on his first day at school. I'm sure he's excited about going. And you'll be okay too Missy!!! My step-daughter sat outside every single day for weeks when Derek started pre-school...just in case he wanted her. And this month he'll be 21. The time goes fast!

  7. Anonymous8:55 AM

    I did volunteer work at my daughter's school just to be close-by. One day when there was a 4th grade "smack-down" and my daughter was getting teased unmercifully, I nearly went postal on kids half my size. I remember this with great shame.....but I won!

  8. Wow! He looks just the same only bigger! How was the first day of school?
