Tuesday, September 02, 2008

First Day Of Pre-School

Today was Griffin's first day of 3-Year-Old Pre-School

He did SO well and I was very proud of him. As we pulled up to the school there were about 6 cars ahead of us. Griffin could see the other children getting out of their cars one-by-one and walking up to the school room with Ms. Jennifer.

When it was his turn, he was a little hesitant at first, but he quickly got past it. He would not carry his back pack, so Ms. Jennifer took that for him.

Here he is all dressed up for his first day of school

Heading off to class for the very first time with Ms. Jennifer

This is his very first project created at school!

I am just so, so proud of our son ... he did really well and seems to have enjoyed his first day of school.


  1. I'm so glad he did well his first day! How did mommy do? I was thinking of you this morning.
    I was still quite sad this morning when Amanda got on the bus.

  2. See it didn't hurt too bad, did it?! It seems you both survived very well. I did tear up when I saw his school project. I'm glad everything went really well for both of you.

  3. Anonymous3:28 PM

    Congratulations to you both! It's not an easy day sending your baby off to school for the first time.
    Glad he had a great day.

  4. Missy you will find they do just without us. It is us that don't do so well.

  5. The Picture of "The Griffster" walking into school for his first day-----is a classic.---and as for his first school Project---ye-gads, he has his mothers skills!!!(better stock up on refridgerator magnets)

  6. I couldn't wait to get home from work to see what you had blogged about his first day at school... but how did MOMMY do this morning? He looks so grown up in his school clothes. I'm sure you will be saving all of his art works...remember the "lil artist" paper peicings we used to make? Time to get one out and start scrappin! I tickled that his first day was enjoyable for him!

  7. Cute art project!
    I am glad he enjoyed his first day:)

  8. Cute Art that Griffin made I just know that you will scrapbook that piece of art:))He is a handsome boy on his first day of school:))

  9. Griffin looks so cute for his first day of school. Love the project...I'll keep an eye out in our yard in case I see one of "those". I'm sure the teacher was quite impressed with his creative skills!

  10. I Love his Art Work! SO Cute. I am glad he had a good day. Yeah tells us did ya cry? Ya know you did!! Spill it

  11. Isn't he just so handsome? I know what a sweet day this is, and bittersweet as well. I taught preK for years and love to see the little ones on the first day...

    They grow up so fast...TOO Fast!

