Monday, August 11, 2008

Vacation. Wednesday. August 6th.

Mount St. Helens

Wednesday we drove to Mount St. Helens. For as long as I can remember this was a destination that Mike dreamed about going to.

How fitting we visited on his birthday!

A view of Mount St. Helens ... the volcanic eruption that occurred in May 1980 is still very evident. For me, this was probably one of the most solemn and still places I've ever been to.

And here we all are with the top of Mount St. Helens in the background

I love this picture of Mike and Griffin hiking up the mountain trail

In this picture you can see the crater created on top of the mountain when it erupted ... and you can also see the dome beginning to grow back

The wind was blowing about 50 mph (it seemed) when we were on top of the mountain. Mike took this picture ... he thinks it's funny ...

And another view of me in the wind


  1. That picture was funny Missy -I'm having a bad day and it surely made me laugh out loud. Very cute, aren't hubby's wonderful?

  2. Beautiful Pictures and even the wind looks like it feels good It is so hot here:))

  3. Love, love, love that cute top you're wearing Missy!!!

    Your vacation pictures are fabulous!!!
