Monday, August 11, 2008

Vacation. Tuesday. August 5th.

Space Needle ~ Seattle

Tuesday we went to the Space Needle. Mike was very, very sick this particular day and stayed in bed the entire day. The Space Needle was only a few blocks from our hotel so Bett, Griffin and I decided to walk over there.

The Space Needle

A view from the bottom

There was an amazing view from the top of the Space Needle ... this is a view of the downtown area

And another view ... if I'm not mistaken, I believe that is the Olympic mountain range in the background from this view


  1. Yep,..that's the Olympics in the distant. The Olympics are in the west and the Cascade Mt Range is in the east. The picture facing down town, you should have been able to see Mt.Rainer...guess it was too hazy? Normally it would have been almost in the center of the picture. So sorry Mike was sick that day.

  2. I will have to plan a trip to the Space Needle because Cole would love it:))
