Monday, July 21, 2008

Go See Da Air-panes.

One of Griffin's favorite things to do is to visit Mike at the airport when he has a flying lesson. He says he wants to "go see da air-panes". We haven't been in awhile so I decided to take him over there Saturday morning.

Griffin waiting patiently as Daddy is flying around.

Does anyone else remember this picture of Griffin from October 2006? It was taken the day of Mike's first solo flight. I just love this picture.

And look at this one ... almost the same exact spot two years later. My how he's grown!

In the cockpit of the airplane ...

Mike and Griffin ... two fellas that love airplanes!

I love that they have this in common. It warms my heart completely that Griffin has taken to his Daddy's love of flying. One day Mike and I will be there celebrating Griffin's first solo airplane flight.


  1. Griffin has defitely grown alot in the past 2 years. It is great that G and Mike like the same things. And you're right, you will probably be there in a few years you and Mike will be watching Griffin flying around.

  2. Comparing the two pictures is priceless! He's not that cute little toddler..he's a cute little boy. (don't tell him I said little, I'm sure he thinks he's a "big" boy LOL)The day he takes his first solo flight is coming faster than you think...enjoy the moments now.

  3. Wow..he has grown!
    I think he gets cuter & cuter everyday:)

  4. He is a big boy now and starting preschool soon:) ugh!!!
    Looks like you have a little pilot there:)

  5. When his head is higher than the fence, you can enroll him for flying lessons----I can just see it now---not old enough to drive a car and Griffin, "Hey dad can I borrow the keys to da Air-pane---

  6. Oh my gosh...he's grown up so much!!! Your little man doesn't look like a baby anymore Missy. He's so handsome and adorable. I still want to just squeeze him!

    Great pictures! You know Mike has to be so proud.

    By the way...I tagged you to play Susie Q's game!

  7. Anonymous9:11 PM

    that's a cool post Missy....he sure has grown!
