Sunday, July 20, 2008

Carol's Birthday.

I completely missed blogging yesterday. I signed on to the computer and even resized my pictures, but then I signed off before remembering to blog.

Friday we had a fun day with a party at the YMCA for our friend Carol's birthday!

First Griffin and I had to make a stop by Walmart to pick up her birthday cake. When entering we discovered it was the day for Anthem's Lemon Aid stands around town. We were lucky enough to be able to enjoy some wonderful lemonade from The Children's Miracle Network. This is a picture of the "Lemon Aid Lady" and Al. They had the cutest set-up. Their lemonade stand was decorated Hawaiian style. They put cute little paper umbrellas in the lemonade drinks and gave everyone a lei. It was very sweet.

I didn't take many pictures at the YMCA ... we were having way too much fun. Let's see who was there ... the birthday girl Carol, her daughter Sara and son Samuel. Cyndi, Harry & Jack ... Keisha & Darius ... Kristina & Zach ... Terri, Nadia & Anthony. It was really a great day with lots of fun, food and friends!

And here is Griffin with one of his favorite people in the world ... Sara.

I hope you all have a great Sunday!


  1. Happy Birthday Carol!!!

    That lemon suit is too cute:)

  2. Happy Birthday Carol! Looks like you had a busy day, Missy. Always having fun and doing things with your friends. The lemondade lady and friend were cute. Have a great Sunday! Wade & Christina are coming over, we may be going to the gardens.

  3. The YMCA looks like a fun place.

  4. Griffen sure takes ya to some wild places.


  5. Happy B-Day Carol!!
    Looks like a busy and FUN day.
    Yall have those days very often I bet Griffin never says he's bored.Cole has told me that quite a bit this summer;)
    Have a great night.

  6. Love the lemonade lady!!! Griffin looks like he's having fun as usual.

    Happy Birthday to Carol!

  7. It WAS lots of fun! Happy birthday again, Carol :-)
