Tuesday, July 01, 2008

The Butterflies Are Back.

It's so hard for me to believe that Mike and I have lived in Virginia five years now. Today actually. It seems like only yesterday we still lived in Florida. (sigh)

One of the first things that I noticed when we first saw this house five years ago was the beautiful butterfly bush. It was huge and completely covered with gorgeous butterflies.

Every summer I look forward to this amazing transformation. This year it seems to be blooming later ... but it IS blooming now and the butterflies have found their way home.

Isn't this a beautiful butterfly?

And a little closer look ...

Does anyone know what kind of tree this is? I wish I could get a better picture ... but it's a very tall tree and the zoom on my camera doesn't really reach that far. This tree has these really cool eyelash looking pink flowers. It's just so pretty. We have several of these growing on our property. Any ideas??

And c'mon ... really ... what is a Mommy supposed to do when her three-year-old is saying "I wanna watch Sesame Street where Big Bird is singing" ... (Doesn't Big Bird sing in all of them?)... each one I flip to is not "it". "Noooooooooo, Nooooooooo, Nooooooooooooooo!! Not that one." That's what I keep hearing from him. We have 30 Sesame Streets recorded on the DVR, people. How am I supposed to know which one his little brain is thinking of?


  1. Just keep flipping, he'll eventually let you know which one (for today). The butterflies are beautiful. We get yellow and black striped ones twice a year. They seem to like to Crepe Myrtle tree. I'm not sure what kind of tree that is but I'm sure Jerome can find out. Enjoy your butterflies while they last.

  2. From someone who works with Big Bird on Sesame Street, the boy has good taste :)

  3. Amazing pictures Missy! I noticed that we have several large butterflies in the yard this year. They are so beautiful and they fly all around me as I sit on the porch, one even landed on my leg!

  4. your asking me, a 71yo man, what episodes Big Bird sings on in the "Sesame Street" childrens program??? are you insane? The last childrens TV program I watched somewhat regularly (and then only when baby sitting my brothers bevy of rug rats was "Time for Beany&Cecil"---lets see that had to have been around 1947-49 era. The stupid program actual had a hit song, "Ragtop" and the lyrics went, "I say "R","A", I say R-A-G---I say Ragmop r-a-g-g-m-o-p-p, ragmop"----
    ---the show was in black and white, and the TV was like a 13" screen----The writers of "Sesame Street" probabely hadn't even been born yet.

  5. BEAUTIFUL butterfiles!
    Thanks for the visit in your backyard:)

    Good luck with the channel searching..

  6. Your butterflies are beautiful. We have some pretty ones in our back yard but I can never get good pics of them:)) Your Boy is such a cutie..Gotta love those silly Boys!

  7. It's a Mimosa Tree, my husband loves them. here is the link.


  8. The tree is a Mimosa. They are so pretty when they are blooming. We don't seem to have much luck with them living long lives in my little part of the south. They get big, pretty, and they get some kind of sugar critter in them and the die. The butterflies are absoultely beautiful.

  9. Anonymous2:51 PM

    Hi Missy, I think its a Mimosa Tree- I had one growing up- it was beautiful.

  10. Anonymous8:03 AM

    email me the picture of the tree Missy and I will ask my certified tree expert husband to identify it :)
