Monday, June 30, 2008

July 4 Give-A-Way!

Who's ready for a Give-A-Way???

This is a July 4 Paper Piecing Bear handmade and designed by me!

It's a brand new design and I've just added it to my
Paper Piecing Blog!

To be entered to win the one that I will be giving away ... just leave a comment and tell me what is your favorite thing about the 4th of July!

If you are not a member of Blogger ... that's okay ... just leave your comment using the "anonymous" option and when leaving your comment make sure to sign it using your first name and last initial.

On this particular bear ... I can add a matching gingham bow for a girl or a matching cap for a boy. Or ... I can leave it just as it is. You can decide that if you win!

I will accept comments through July 3rd, 12:00 pm eastern time for the give-a-way drawing. Everyone who enters via a comment left on my blog will have their name put into a hat and I will draw the winning name July 4th. I will then announce the winner right here on my blog on July 4th morning!

And ... if you really like this July 4 Bear ... I also have a similar July 4 Girl and July 4 Boy available on my
Paper Piecing Blog.

CLICK HERE to see these new items along with several more new Paper Piecings as well!!

Wishing you a happy day ...


  1. Anonymous9:13 AM

    I love the 4th of July because its pure family time playing and eating in a relaxed enviroment.
    Dorene D

  2. Anonymous9:17 AM

    I love spending the day with family. We have a cook out and go to see the town firework display at night. It's awesome.

    Gay Ann T.

  3. Anonymous9:41 AM

    Your 4th of July creations are so cute :)

    My favorite part of the 4th of July is that we pack up all of our kids and drive to see my family. It's fun to pack a picnic and spend the day at the lake. The kids can swim, play in the sand, and enjoy time with their cousins!

    Kim B.
    Allen Park, MI

  4. Hi Missy
    I love the 4th of July because we always do Fireworks in our backyard(safe one's) we alss grill and maybe this year get in the pool and my Brother and SIL and Katie usually come over and we all have a great time and good food:))
    I hope that your holiday is a fun one!!

  5. I love the 4th because of family time and burgers on the grill. Now I have an even better reason, to spend it with my little man! Hugs Missy!

  6. None other than FIREWORKS!!!!! They are the best.

  7. Anonymous12:11 PM

    I agree with so many others. To me, it is all about family and getting to spend time with them. We have five kids (three married now)and we don't all get together as often as we'd like, but when we do, it is the best!
    Happy Fourth Missy! Susie in Wash. State

  8. Anonymous3:48 PM

    We always start the day with the local parade. The kids are usually on the church float passing out candy. Then we walk through the park and check out all the vendors, and craft booths. Later that evening we all get together (about 30 of us in all) under the palm trees at the park and eat watermelon and watch the fireworks over the river.
    I don't know what my favorite thing would be....maybe the wonderful small hometown feel of it all....good times..good times...

    Muriel C.

  9. Nice job Missy!!

  10. Anonymous5:18 PM

    The 4th of July is the day before my birthday, so every year it's a big birthday celebration with the parade, fire works and family get-togethers! When I was little, my dad use to tell me that the firework's were special just for my birthday - it was always a special time for me! :-)

  11. Anonymous6:22 PM

    This year we are planning a huge party to celebrate the 4th and our daddy (my DH) coming home after being gone for five months on the USS Abraham Lincoln. We will play in the pool, have a BBQ and do lots of catching up!

    Kim H. in VA

  12. Well I can't top any of these comments about family. This is the 1st 4th of July I haven't had to work. No plans, really, just going to go with the flow. And I want you to know I'm taking credit, by birthright, for the 4th. Massachusetts is where it all began with a massive Tea Party. And I was born and raised there. LOL. Everyone have a wonderful, safe, 4th of July. GOD Bless America!

  13. Anonymous7:13 PM

    My favorite thing about the 4th of July is the parades. We take the boys and really enjoy the family time and the fun at the parades. It is a wonderful holiday.

    Kathy J.

  14. Anonymous10:28 PM

    I LOVE your new things. I am so glad that you started selling your custom things again. i will be placing an order soon.

    I love the fireworks and spending time with family. I would prefer to be at the beach, but as long as I am with family, it doesn't matter.

    Jen R.

  15. Anonymous12:02 AM

    I enjoy the 4th since it gives another family get together although since last year it will be become a sad memory as well since my "Pops" passed away last year July 4th.... we miss him dearly !!

    Carol M. in TX

  16. Anonymous1:15 AM

    My favorite part of 4th of July is definitely the fireworks - I still feel like a little kid when I watch them!

  17. I always loved the 4th growing up. Dad always bought fireworks for us and we spent it at my Godmother's cabin on the lake. We'd spend the day swimming and fishing, then roast hot dogs over the fire...then the fireworks.
    Now Laura has a big party and fireworks on the 3rd...that way everyone gets 2 days of celebrating! I'll spend the day cooking as usual...but it's a labor of love so I don't mind. Hope yours is great Missy!

  18. I love the 4th of July. We always spend time with family. Grilling out, shooting fireworks and roasting marshmellows. Look out Cecile, here we come.

  19. You make the cutest things Missy!

    I love 4th of July because everyone flys their American flags so proudly and I enjoy seeing them hanging from the eves and porches of the homes. We're so lucky to live in this wonderful country and have so many freedoms that we take for granted. I'm proud to be an American.
