Wednesday, June 11, 2008

My Sweaty Brick Layers.

Mike has been working on the deck part of the addition to our house.

It's been tedious work ... first he had to figure out where the footer holes needed to be. He did measuring, measuring, and more measuring. Our backyard deck area was set up with the grid of strings. He then had to dig 15 holes for the pedestals (thank God for the back hoe!) ... and then had to make sure they were all the right depth AND level. And then more measuring was involved. Then he had to pour concrete and let it set. This took most of his vacation.

This past weekend, he started to build the pedestals ... they are going to look awesome! He did not want to use wood ... he thought brick pedestals would look nicer. And he is SO right!!

Here you find the boys figuring out how many layers of brick will be necessary to get the correct height on the first pedestal.

After figuring out the number, Griffin was more than happy to help carry the bricks over to where Daddy was working.

And once he reaches his destination, he stacks them up.

And here you see Mike setting the first blocks, in the first hole.

And this is when the fun part starts ... laying the brick!!

I think I've mentioned before that my husband is an engineer ... he's sooo smart, and sooo talented. I am very, very lucky that he can do everything!! In addition to his amazing engineering skills ... he's also a great builder, a wonderful cook, a student pilot, an awesome artist, a drummer, a fantastic singer ... and so many more things that I can't think of right now. He's not afraid to try anything. In addition to all of these extraordinary talents ... he is the BEST husband to me and the BEST father to Griffin that God could have chosen!

We have house guests for the next few days ... our friends Heidi, Ryan and Evan are visiting for a few days. It's so nice having them here!!

Today our Mommy & Me group have our 2nd Annual Mommy/Daddy & Me BBQ Picnic at the park ... so they came for that!! It's going to be so nice for them to be able to spend time with everyone ... we miss them so much when they are not here.


  1. Oh Man that IS quite the project your husband is working on---course the "slave labor" helping haul the bricks around helps save on labor costs. the kid probabely works for macaroni and cheese (just kidding), going to look quite elegant when its all done.

  2. You are so lucky to have such wonderful boys. I think you should clone Mike.

  3. Thought I left a comment earlier about how wonderful Mike is and how much I like what you guys are doing to the house. It has disappeared. Anyways, you got lucky when you caught Mike. And I can't wait to see the house someday. And G is such the little helper.

  4. wait a min. wait a min. can we clone this loving father & husband,sounds like a very nice man and wants to make sure that his family has all that they need or want.

  5. Look at your Boys! Having fun together and getting some work done too.Cherish the moments!
    Have a great night.

  6. I guess this deck is going to be a monster. What with 15 brick pillars.
