Monday, June 09, 2008

The Dishes Can Wait.

Have you ever been to a thrift store or a yard sale and saw a book and bought it only because it was a quarter? Well ... I did just that at the local Clothes Closet Thrift Store recently.

I bought this book (Emilie Richards, Wedding Ring) because it was a quarter and also because it had a pretty picture of a quilt on it. I love quilts and the wedding ring quilt has always been a favorite of mine.

Imagine my surprise when I read the book yesterday and it really made me think about things.

This book is about 3 generations of women (grandmother is 80, mother is 60 and the daughter is almost 40). It's set in the Shanendoah Valley of Virginia and centers on that area and Richmond, VA as well. It's about the three of them spending the summer in the grandmother's farm house (alot happens) and how they grow and really get to know each other.

This book moved me to tears and made me think about alot of things.

The first thing it made me think about is ... the only way Griffin is ever going to know anything about my Dad, my Mother or both sets of our Grandparents is if we tell him. The really sad part is, I really have nothing to share about my mother. And this book concentrated on the three mother figures in the story. I really know nothing about my own mother, that's sad I think. Growing up, we didn't talk about her. So, on a whim yesterday afternoon, I tried to find the phone number to her closest friend and ask her if I could talk to her about my mother. I think she was surprised I called. And instead of going into alot of details we agreed to have lunch together the next time we visit Florida. I can't wait. I need to know about her. I'll be 41 this year. My mother was only 43 when she died. For some reason once I pass that "43 hurdle" I think I'll feel differently somehow.

That's what brought me to the title of my post ... The Dishes Can Wait. I've decided if ever my life story was written, that's what I would like the title to be. I know, I know ... my life is not "written word worthy" ... but one can think about it right???

I came up with the title for my own story last night. After dinner I usually clean the kitchen up before doing anything else. Well, last night Griffin wanted to go outside to swim in his little plastic pool. I looked at the kitchen and then looked at my son and thought to myself "the dishes can wait". As we were outside and he was playing, splashing and swinging ... I thought ... wow ... that would be a great title for a book.

So ... with today being my 600th post an all ... I would like to ask you dear readers ... what would the title of your biography be and why?

I would love if ALL of my blog readers would respond.


  1. 600 posts? Congratulations!

    My mother is alive..but we don't speak. Sad. I know. It was my decision though.
    My goal is to be the best mother to my children. I try to be everything that my mother wasn' is a big job..sometimes I think I over-do it..but that's ok:)

    A title..hmmm?

  2. How about..
    {Everything She Wasn't}

  3. I'll have to ponder a title for a book. It must be really hard for you since you were so young when your Mom died. Jerome talks about her often (and your granny), so you should talk to him. We love you. And I am going to look for that book, it's sounds like a book I'd enjoy.

  4. I will have to think about that one Missy. I think you should write a book. I have some great inspirational books for writing your life story. When you are ready let me know and I will pull out the books. Even if you just write your thoughts in a journal that is better than nothing at all.

  5. Anonymous3:58 PM

    The title of my life story would be "Simple Man".....I would not change a thing that has happened in the past or may happen in the future....

    Your Brother

  6. Made a darn good Post title too. What might I title MY life story?---hmmm, gonna have to ponder on that for a time---let me get back to ya on that Ihave already rejected, "I REALLY look like the Milkman Dad?"---sounds to much like a silly reality TV program title.

  7. What a great post Missy and yes, the dishes can wait...and the dusting too!!!

    It would be a great book title. I doubt that there will ever be a need for a book title about my life...every one I thought of sounded more like a country music song title than a book!!! I did like the one Gig thought of...about the milkman!!!

    I'm glad you're getting together with your Mom's friend when you come for a visit.

    Congratulations on 600 posts...that's pretty awesome.

    My book title...Life With a Bully!!!

  8. Hey Missy..
    I read your blog this morning and thought all day about my book title. What I came up with is, "The Buck Stops Here." The why?
    Well my maiden name was Buck. My father had 5 sisters and 1 brother. His only brother was killed when he was just 21 years old, not married. That left my father to carry on the family name. My father has two children, my bother and me. My brother has never married nor does he have any children. Soooooo..I'm the last of the Buck line...hence...The Buck Stops Here.
    I'm happy for that you will have someone to talk to about your mother!

  9. Anonymous9:21 PM

    WOW Missy this is a touching post you wrote. I know how you feel about your Mom. I lost my Mom Feb.2,1999 to Lung Cancer. She lived in Indiana and I live in Tennessee. I miss her SO SO much and still would like to learn things about her family but I don't know to whom to turn but one day I know I will. I just lost my dad a year ago May.3rd. I thought about the book title of my life story and I had three names come to mind. Don't Close Your Eyes. the second Don't Blink. and the third Where has life gone? Because it just seems like everything is moving and passing by so fast and if you blink you will miss something. The Don't close your eyes is my Mom kept her eyes opened staring into a bathroom light until she passed away. And the Where has life gone? Wow seems like just yesterday I was 16 and now my oldest son is 21 and my daughter is 18 and my other 2 sons are 11 and 13. I would not change my children for the world. I love them all VERY VERY much!!! And without my AWESOME hubby I would not be where I am at today!!! Love you Donnie!!! Hugs to you Missy, Tracie

  10. Anonymous9:22 PM

    PS.) Congrats on your 600th post!!!

  11. Congrats on your 600 posts!
    I am so sorry to hear that you lost your Mom at such a young age.
    My Dad died when I was 13 yrs old and he was only 47 yrs old.My Mom never remarried and does her very best to keep my Dad's Beautiful Spirit alive.I know alot about him but there is so much that I don't know.
    Oh, "The dishes can wait" is the story of my life:)

  12. what a great post,it will sure give me something to think about today. Title for a book not sure about that one.
