Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Just An Ordinary Monday.

It was back to Kangaroo Jac's for a jumping good time yesterday.

Griffin LOVES that place. After bouncing, jumping and playing with other kids for three solid hours he fell asleep in his carseat practically the minute I put him in it.

(Picture taken March 2008 during an outside picnic while eating ice cream)

He took a FOUR hour nap yesterday ... it's been a very long time since he has napped that long. I took advantage of the time to create a few more new things. And, I got dinner on ... meatloaf, mashed potatos, english peas and crescent rolls. It was yummy.

After dinner we all went outside for awhile. Mike was cutting more of the scallops for the window area of the addition ... they are SO pretty! And he tried to figure out a way to keep the squirrels off of the bird feeder. It's pretty funny how he remedied this problem. I will share a picture of that in another post.

I checked on my vegetable plants ... they are doing very well. Ms. Dead-Plant-Thumb may actually be turning into Ms. Green Thumb ... thank you very much! We expect some red & green bell peppers and tomatos to be ripe in a few months.

Griffin kept us busy running all over the yard and Fort Griffin. Gosh that kid LOVES to be outside.

Unfortunately it's raining this morning ... so we will probably not have any outdoor time today. We have an appointment this morning and after that I'm not sure what we will do .... mmmmmm.

And here are the newest items added to MY EBAY STORE


  1. Cute stuff Missy!!

  2. thanks missy----filled my sugar fix for the day----Alexis has her rotten dog Layla to spoil, and your got Griffen----hell three hours at Jumpin Jacks and hello, I would , if I didn't just keel right over , would sleep for a good 10hours-----maybe ya need to get this really really big Hamsterwheel for him to play in?? what do ya think, maybe you could wire it up so it produced electricity as it turned??----

  3. I like your new Ebay items Very Cute!!
    Sometimes we just need an Ordinary day:))
    I don't know who this "gig" person that posts on your blog is but he is a hoot!!He's too FUNNY!!!!
    Keep me laughing!!

  4. We could sure use some rain here in central Florida. And I could sure use a 4 hour nap!!!

    Cute picture of G!
