Thursday, May 15, 2008


The past several days I've not been feeling so good. I've been coughing non-stop for at least 4 days and I've just been dragging. Mike made me go to the doctor yesterday because he was worried I was getting bronchitis or worse. The doctor said it's just a virus. He prescribed cough medicine and rest. He said if I do not feel better in a few days to come back. I'm hoping to feel better very soon.

I thought I would share some things that have brought me happiness over the past few days.

First, that sweet smiling noodly face you see above ... THAT brings me happiness everyday. I am so blessed to have the BEST husband and son.

Griffin has this toy called My First Leap Pad ... he LOVES it!! Lately his favorite book/cartridge is Dora the Explorer. Well, he misplaced the cartridge that goes along with the book and he was so unhappy. Late yesterday afternoon as he was rummaging through his toys ... he found it! The look on our child's face when he found this cartridge was PRICELESS! Not only did it bring him happiness ... it made me pretty happy as well!

Last night as I was snuggling into bed, I put my hand under my pillow and discovered one of Griffin's little toy cars. I tell you, that just gave me a giggle. He can find a way to play cars anywhere.

This morning Griffin decided to wake up at 5:30. I just wasn't ready to get up yet, so I went and got him and we had some snuggle time in our bed. I closed my eyes and all of a sudden he started stroking my arm and singing ... go to sleep ... go to sleep ... go to sleep little Mommy ... it was the SWEETEST thing!! That brought pure happiness to my heart!

Good friends ... that's another thing that has brought me happiness over the last week. You all know who you are ... most of you read my blog. You've been there for me in SO many ways over the past week ... and I so appreciate it. Truely, good friends bring me joy and happiness!

And lastly ... baked potatos. LOL ... I've not eaten anything since yesterday at lunch time. And honestly, I'm just not hungry. So I'm thinking for lunch today I might make Griffin and me a baked potato. Just thinking about it brings me happiness.

What brings you happiness? I'd love for you to share!!


  1. Super *sweet* post, Missy:)

    I hope you feel better soon!

  2. The sun and warm weather, this yukky weather makes me feel worse.

    My son getting his learners on the first try.

    My weekend trip that starts tomorrow.

    My kids smiling faces

    Thanks for sharing your sweet life. Hope you are feeling better soon.

  3. Anonymous10:13 AM

    Happiness is......

    A wonderful, understanding husband.

    Spending time with my boys and their girlfriends (never enough time)

    My two dogs, Miss Piggy and Max, who bring laughs and smiles always.

    A full tank of gas

    Shedding a few more pounds this week.

    I could go on and on....but I won't LOL.

    Hope you feel better.


  4. Yes I check your blog daily, hoping to read some new posting you have made----ya see you've turned me into a "sugar" junkie---GOTTA GET MY "SWEET" FIX NOW DAILY---I hate ya----(got this 40 pound sugar cube on my back) (ha, ha)

  5. Not sure what makes me happy these days. A new computer would make me EXTREMELY happy right
    Glad I was able to "catch up" on yours today. Seeing little "G's" antics always puts a smile on my face.

  6. Hi Missy!
    I sure hope that you feel better soon!Take care of yourself...
