Friday, May 16, 2008

Friday = Time For Fun.

So ... I'm feeling better today ... thank goodness!

I felt soooooo bad for Griffin yesterday. We stayed in the house the ENTIRE day ... well, we did step out on the porch once when my neighbor Melinda stopped by for a minute. But really, that doesn't count. He was stuck in the house all day long.

So today ... I'm trying to decide what to do. It's raining outside, so it has to be an indoor activity. We have ALOT of options ... I asked him what he wanted to do and he said "play with helicopters". I know he wants to do more than that.

Do we go to Kangaroo Jacs, The Playroom, or The Children's Museum? We could go to McDonald's, Chic-Fil-A or even SP Mall ... have a little playtime and even have some lunch. The YMCA is out because they have removed the bubble, so we would be exposed to the elements. So no, we can't go to the Y swimming today ... although that's what I really want to do. We've already been to Kangaroo Jacs once this week ... Griffin LOVES to go there. I know he wouldn't mind going back. I'm thinking The Children's Museum is out too because he would want to go outside and play on the backporch (water area) ... and it's raining ... so we couldn't really do that either. And the park is certainly out.

Mmmmmmm ... choices ... choices ....

Gosh, it's really nice to have this dilemma you know? So many options ... I'll let you know what we decided to do on my post tomorrow.


  1. Anonymous8:09 AM

    I'm sure whatever you do, Griffin will be happy about it. I'm voting for Kangaroo Jac's and Chick-a-fila. Have fun.


  2. Anonymous3:54 PM

    Howdy Sister,
    It is finally the weekend and am I glad ... it has been one of those weeks....not doing much this weekend, but next weekend we are going to let it all hang out as JC Hutto used to say....tell Mike and Griffin I said howdy

  3. I am glad you are feeling better. Such a bummer when it is spring. Love the pic of Griffin eating pasta.

    Take care,

  4. I am glad to hear that you are feeling better!
    I hope that yall had fun whatever you did decide to do today!
    Have a great weekend!!
