Sunday, April 20, 2008

Sweet Sunday Singing.

I woke up this dark, rainy Sunday morning to some of the sweetest singing I've ever heard. Griffin was laying in his bed singing his heart out.

I walked into his bedroom ... he jumped up and he held his arms open wide and said:

"Mommy I found you!" ... with the biggest smile on his face.

Awwww ... that just warmed my heart.


  1. And this adorable picture of Griffin's sweet smiling face and your post today warm my heart as well. Have a wonderful Sunday Missy...sounds like its staring out perfectly.

  2. Anonymous1:02 PM

    Kids are great aren't they. They surprise you all the time. I love the picture of Griffin. Hope you find something to keep him busy today...I know it's raining.


  3. Sounds like the beginning of a Wonderful day!
    He is such a cutie! Enjoy this age..I miss it so so much:(
    Have a GREAT day!

  4. What a sweet sound to wake up to:)
    He is so darn cute!!!!

  5. What a cute kid!! Cherish those moments. It is great that you are documenting it now.
