Monday, April 21, 2008

Monday Fun.

Guess what I made last night? A good old-fashioned banana pudding! I haven't made one of these in years. Mike LOVES it ... it's probably his second favorite dessert in the entire world ... it comes right after coconut cake/pie. I like it too, but only on the first night because I do not like it after the vanilla wafers get soggy.

I looked in the cabinet and I had everything I needed ...

I actually had JUST enough vanilla wafers ... lucky me!

Today Griffin and I met three of our favorite people Alan, Carol and Sam at Chic-Fil-A for lunch. It's been raining outside for several days, so it was nice to have a place where the boys could play together!

I think Sam and Griffin are both going through the same "I-don't-want-to-look-at-the-camera-phase" right now. Regardless ... here they are together!

We love going to this Chic-Fil-A because they have the cleanest indoor play facility, the food is great ... and of course there is Miss Jean's Craft Corner. It's this great area where the Hostess (Miss Jean) has an arts and crafts area set up for the kids. The theme today was Pirates and the boys enjoyed coloring pirate pictures.

After lunch Griffin and I headed over to Walmart ... and I picked up this darling little doggy shaped cake. It was iced with buttercream frosting and just adorable!

This afternoon when Griffin woke up from his nap, the first thing he asked for was cake. And here he is enjoying this delightful little bit of sweet goodness.

Did anyone watch the Oprah's Big Give finale last night? I thought it was pretty interesting. I truly believe the three that were in the finale deserved to be there. I saw a different side to two of the contestants last night, which really surprised me. I thought Brandy seemed a little bratty on last night's episode. Sure, she's sweet and caring and did alot of good ... but that bratty side showed up a little bit last night. And Cameron, again he was good ... but I thought he came off as a bit arrogant. All along I wanted Steve to win ... and he did. He's such a good role model and just so wonderful! I was so happy that he encouraged the team to support the Chicago Hope Academy ... they did good things for that school. Way to go Steve! You are indeed, The Biggest Giver!


  1. Anonymous8:01 AM

    Jerome would have helped Mike eat the 'nana pudding. Jerome just loves that too. I'm glad you guys got out of the house after all that rain and got to do something fun. You seem to have alot of things around your area to do to keep the kids busy.

  2. I wish I would have hung out with you yesterday. Chic fil a and a doggie cake! WOW Great Fun!

  3. I saw that Doggie Cake at our Wal-mart and I thought it was sooo cute!!

  4. Anonymous1:42 PM

    I have to add one more comment about your blog....I can make that doggy cake. Next time we get togehter I'll have to make one for G.


  5. Anonymous1:05 PM

    YUMMY cake!
