Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Happy New Year 2008.

Happy New Year 2008 !!!

This is a picture of Griffin at Wintergreen Resort ... bungee jumping! Yes, we let our two-year old baby bungee jump. He had SO much fun!! Actually, this is as high as he went. He is such an adventurous little guy! I hope to be more like him in that area.

It's so wonderful to have a new year upon us ...
I thought I would list some of my goals for 2008

Move more ... as in excercise!
Be more adventurous ... (just like Griffin)
Travel more
Experience new things
Create more
Have a cleaner house
Try more new recipes
Scrapbook more
Keep my hair colored so my grays do not show
Spend as much time with my family & friends as possible

What are your goals for 2008?
I'd love to hear about them in the comments section.

Paper Piecings added to my EBAY STORE today!


  1. Happy New Year. I have been looking at your ebay stuff....Way Cute. You can so tell that Griffin inspires you.

    I love them all, but the Laugter one is my Fav. I will be ordering a couple of your bears. And I just saw where one of your 2007 bears is selling for almost $10. You go Girl

  2. PS. Got so excited about the bears that I Forgot to post about resolutions. I never make them, so therefore I never feel like a failure! Kinda lame, but I never feel ashamed of myself for not completing my tasks. I have Goals though everyday! To make it through!LOL

  3. Happy New Year Missy! I think it's great that Griffin got to Bungee jump! You'll have to scrapbook that picture to prove to him he did it at such a young age!

    As for resolutions...I've been thinking about them. I need to re-visit my resolutions from last year to see what I accomplished. I know I want to scrapbook more!

  4. Happy New Year Missy,

    I love your pictures!! One of my many resolutions this year is to learn how to post pictures on my blog...I didn't quite achieve that goal last year. I'm going to scrap more this year too; otherwise I'm going to have to start pitching stuff out (way too painful for a packrat).

    Have an awesome year ahead!!!

  5. Anonymous7:53 PM

    I've been reading your blog for a very long time and thought I would make a comment. I are one of my regular blogs that I check up on. I feel like I know you and your family...isn't this blogging thing a hoot? I don't have one, but I am a serious scrapper and love getting ideas on the web--and I am addicted!
    I just wanted to wish you and your family happy new year!
    a fan,
