Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Bye, Bye Nanya.

Hey you ... doesn't that look like what Griffin is saying in this picture?

Today my MIL Bett flies home to Florida. Griffin calls her Nanya ... isn't that a cute name? He came up with it himself. We've had a really nice visit with her, and I love it when she is here. I know she's anxious to get home to her dog Sara and back to her life in Florida. But, we will miss her ALOT when she leaves us.

Deb ... thank you so very much for visiting my blog and leaving a comment! That was very nice and I'm so happy to hear you enjoy my blog. If you ever create a blog yourself ... please share the link as I would love to visit.

Terri ... can you please invite me to visit your blog again? I know at one point I received an invitation and I thought I accepted it, but I can't find your new blog anywhere!!

Right this very minute Griffin is upstairs in his bed singing. I just love that little voice of his. He's at the "in between" asleep and awake stage. I'd like to give him some time to wake up fully before interrupting that beautiful singing.

My baby will be 3 years old in about a month ... can you believe that? Oh my gosh ... where has the time gone? It's time to start thinking about a theme, a party place, a guest list ... maybe we will do Bob the Builder. Those little construction hats at the party store are pretty cute!! Any suggestions for a three year old's party?

Well ... I'm off to get my first cup of coffee for the day and to listen to the most beautiful singing in the world for another little bit ...

Paper Piecings added to my EBAY STORE today!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Missy - I haven't commented in a while due to my CRAZY schedule, but I am still reading and loving all the great pictures you have posted...Griffin is so darn cute!
