Friday, January 18, 2008

Freebie Tear Bear.

Hey ya'll ... let's play again!

I have this cute Mouse Park inspired Tear Bear to give away to one lucky person!

If interested in playing to win this (one) Tear Bear ... how about leaving a comment in the comments section under THIS POST ... and let's see ... this time share what is the most MAGICAL thing in your life right now!

One winner will be drawn. All comments left under THIS POST will be entered to win this Tear Bear. Comments will be accepted Friday (18), Saturday (19) and Sunday (20). Winner will be drawn on Monday (21) morning and I will then announce the winner's name right here on my blog!!

C'mon ya'll ... let's play!


  1. You come up with the best idea's MIssy! What's magical in my life? life is pretty, home..back to work. This isn't "magical" but I did buy a new car for myself last month! I have'nt had a new car in years and I'm just tickled to have one. It's not really "new"....just new to me. It's a 2004 PT Cruiser...I call it my "Silver Bullet" cause it's a pretty silver color. I just love buzzin around town in it. I make excuses just to drive places! lol!

  2. Anonymous6:26 PM

    the magical thing in my life right now is that I've been on weight watchers a week and a half and I feel great. I also just finished my second water aerobics class and I am determined to lose 40 pounds!
    It's nothing fun "magical", but I guess the real magical part is my attitude. I want to attain my goal and I'm determined to do it! I think I can, I think I can.....
    deb bieberich

  3. The most magical thing in my life is getting ready to have my third daughter! There's nothing more magical than creating a new life and then after nine months, having someone in your life that you love the instant you see them and can't imagine your life without them!

  4. The most magical thing in my life right now is that I have found out about Blogging. I set up my own site and don't even care if anyone visits it. I can communicate with my Mom & Sisters in Virginia (scrappinwithfriends/Wendy)and share our everyday lives. I have found some wonderful sites to visit like this one. And I am inspired daily by other Blog sites. I am setting goals and creating mantra's. Maybe I will even come up with my favorite word for the year. Blogging makes me laugh ever day. Keep up the good work girls I am happy to be apart of this new group!!!

  5. hi missy, finally remembered my passwords lol - i would have to say that the most magical thing in my life right now - besides my kids and husband - is being able to get up in the morning and walk. i might not be able to walk much by night time but i know once i go to bed and my back has rested, i can get up in the morning walk to the kitchen - still painful, but i can do it and right now that is as magical as i can ask for. i will be even for grateful when i can go up and down the stairs so i can scrapbook again - so that is what is most magical for me right now - except for lucky charms - cuz ya know - they're magically delicious lol - sorry couldn't resist

  6. Well, I think Cassandra has it all over me in "magical" moments with a new little girl on the way.

    I've been cleaning out drawers and will be taking a trip to Goodwill or Meals on Wheels with some items to donate...not too much magical in that but I did want to leave a comment.

  7. Anonymous8:55 PM

    The most magical thing in my life right now is watching my little boy grow up so quickly he is now 9 years old and starting to really notice girls in a different light (ok that stinks for mama) but to him girls are no longer gross:)
    I can only guess whats up next with him?
    Have a Great night!

  8. Anonymous8:12 AM

    the magical thing in my life right now is the same as cassandra, getting ready to have my 3rd daughter also. she was a bit of a surprise, but none the less magical. as i type she is kicking around - the most magical feeling in the world!


  9. Missy ~

    I just wanted to say that I enjoy your blog and your creations immensely!! Thank you for being such an inspiration.

    I'm responding to this particular post, because you made me realize what is magical in my life right now. My daughter and her boyfriend are parents of a beautiful 3-year old daughter. Because of problems in their life right now, the grandparents are raising their daughter. I have her on the weekends. Her other grandparents, during the week. Although the reason she is in my life on a regular basis (every weekend), could be described by some as tragic. I guess I'm lucky enough to be able to describe it as magical. I am truly lucky to have her and be able to experience unconditional love once again in my life.

    Melbourne, FL

  10. Anonymous5:21 PM

    Hi Missy....What a great idea! I have recently discovered that being Thankful for everything is Magical...and I am planning on having MAGIC every day for THE REST OF MY LIFE. We all have so much to be Thankful for, and being grateful makes you feel sooooo.. good.
    I am grateful for you, and your wonderful talent to make these cute bears!
    Nancy in North Carolina

  11. Anonymous6:01 PM

    Hi Missy- I'm not sure this is magical or not but we just came from from Disney World! We went just before Christmas and how beautiful it was all decorated for the holiday season!
    Love Tara
    I'll email you the link to some of my photos is you would like to see them!
    Love Tara
