Saturday, January 19, 2008

Chuck E. Cheese.

Yesterday we went to Chuck E. Cheese to celebrate Cyndi's birthday!

Happy, Happy Birthday Cyndi ... seen here with her boys Harry & Jack

Griffin, Harry & Ryan enjoying some of the games

Cyndi and Harry enjoying the get-together!

Carol, Sam and Griffin playing more games!

Griffin and Darius riding the CEC Bus together

Samuel and Griffin experiencing one of the motion rides!

Griffin ready to go up-up-and-away on the balloon ride!

And what is a day without riding a tractor???

You can click on any of these images for a more clear, better view!


  1. Anonymous1:34 PM

    Cute!! You know they have CEC scrapbook paper....

    My son is DEATHLY afraid of Chuck E Cheese so that's a good thing :)

  2. Adorable pictures or adorable little boys! Love the one of G in the Hot Air Balloon. He's such a little "no fear" dare devil...I think he would happily go for a ride in the real thing.
