Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Still Here!

Has it really been 10 days since I last blogged? It can't be possible.

I did go to the doctor and I did break a bone in my foot. They gave me this funky boot like thing to wear and it certainly makes walking alot easier. I sure wish they had given me this boot to wear sooner.

We had a really nice Halloween ... Griffin dressed up like a pirate this year. He was so cute. I barely get any pictures of his face these days, so this is one of the best pictures I got of him this year ... and his eyes were closed.

I thought I would share with you the past 3 Halloween pictures ... my how he has grown!!

2007 - Cap'n Jack Sparrow ~ The Pirate

2006 ~ Second Halloween ~ Bob The Builder

2005 ~ First Halloween ~ Cute Pumpkin


  1. Oh my gosh. How Griffin has grown. He gets more handome every year.

    Love the pics and thansk for sharing.

    Take care,

  2. Anonymous4:06 PM

    cute! Funny thing is I remember Bob the Builder from last year :)

  3. Anonymous4:06 PM

    Oh, glad you're able to get around better now Missy. Guess you're getting caught up on yoru orders :)

  4. I am so glad you updated us. I kept checking eveyday to see if you were posting.

    Griffin was a cute cpt. Jack

    Wish I lived closer I would bring you dinner.
    Stay off your foot and heal quickly!

  5. Cute pics of Griffin!
    Hope your foot gets better fast!

  6. Griffin is the cutest little pirate I've ever seen. Amazing how fast he's grown.

    Love the picture of you and G. You look so pretty Missy.

    It won't be long until you're here in Florida. I received an adorable invitation from Bett to attend her Thanksgiving festivities. That was so sweet of her to include Gene and me.
