Thursday, October 25, 2007

Foot Update.

Well, it's official ... this black & blue & swollen thing I call my right foot is broken.

I go to the foot specialist on November 1st ... apparently I have to wait so long because the swelling has to go down before I visit the specialist in case I have to get a cast.


  1. sorry about it being broken. But I'm also glad that you DID go to the Dr. Better to get it fixed now than have problems later.
    Keep your chin up (and your foot too!) and I'll keep my fingers crossed it's nothing serious. Are you on crutches?

  2. Oh Missy, I'm sorry to hear your foot is broken. Its a good thing you went to the doctor to have it checked. Maybe they can give you one of those walking boot things so you won't be on crutches. Wish I could be there to lend you a hand.

  3. Anonymous3:42 AM

    Oh my gosh!! Glad you are ok and Griffin is fine. Phew. Sending healing prayers your way. Hang in there! Love you! Tricia

  4. Wow- so sorry to hear about your foot. Wish I could help. Where I work we sell the walking boots. They do help.

    Take care,

  5. Bless your heart.
    Make sure your rest that foot, so you don't make it worse.

    Sending you {{hugs}}

  6. Hi, catching up on posts today. Sorry to hear about your fall, and that your foot is broken. Hope it heals quickly for you!

  7. Anonymous6:44 PM

    isn't that lovely....doctors suck!
    Feel better Missy

  8. Sorry to hear about your foot. Ouch!

    I had a bad ankle sprain a few years ago, my doctor told me I would have been better off breaking it. Breaks heal and sprains never do.

    So consider yourself lucky ??
