Friday, November 16, 2007

Homeward Bound.

This picture has nothing to do with today's post ... but I'm trying to include a picture with each post and I thought this was cute.

So ... we are headed home for Thanksgiving. I am so excited about this. We will see family and friends that we miss so much.

I have lots of orders packed and ready to ship before we leave. I'm excited about that too.

And ... I am taking lots of scrapbooking stuff with me so I can scrapbook while we are there.

And June ... if you are reading this ... I will be bringing your gift with me ... I hope to be able to give it to you in person. I've sent you a couple of emails ... have you gotten them?

I went back to the doctor about my foot yesterday. I fully expected him to say I was all healed up. But then deep down I knew he wouldn't. I still can't get my shoe on my foot. He said I would have to wear the boot at least another 3 weeks and it would probably be another 4-6 weeks before I could wear my regular shoes. He checked my knee because it's still bothering me alot and he said it's probably deep bruising and needs time to heal. He said if it's still bothering me after the first of the year I should come back. I fully expected to go in yesterday and he say, yes ... you're all healed ... but I guess I really knew that wouldn't happen because my foot is still tender. Oh well ... I guess I'll just have to wear this very glamourous (not!) boot another while longer.


  1. Anonymous9:41 AM

    Enjoy your time at home!
    TY for your card too, it arrived this week.

  2. Sorry your foot is not healed as quick as you wanted.

    Tie some ribbons on that boot and make a fashion statement!!

    Have a great weekend!

  3. Have a wonderful time! I know how you enjoy going home. I agree with Wendy, dress up that boot, be creative as only you can be and just enjoy your time with your family. Happy Thanksgiving!

  4. Have a safe trip to the Sunshine State! I'll see you soon!
