Sunday, November 18, 2007


We arrived in Florida yesterday. It's so good to be home.

My mother-in-law's Thanksgiving get-together is today and I am really looking forward to seeing everyone.

We have a few traditions that we always do the Saturday before our Sunday Thanksgiving. One is to have Peebles BBQ for dinner ... yum! The other is the "peeling the boiled eggs" tradition. Basically my MIL boils about 3 dozen eggs for deviled eggs, the dressing and such. Before dinner we sit there and peel them all together. It was nice because Mike's step-sister Valerie and her girls Samantha and Lauren were here this year. It may seem like a silly tradition, but one I've always looked forward to.

Griffin is sick ... he's coughing and has a runny nose. He did not get sick until yesterday morning. We left on Friday afternoon and stayed overnight in Savannah. I think he picked the bug up in our hotel room. Hopefully he will be feeling better soon.

Well it's off to help my MIL with whatever she needs help with. Bye, Bye!


  1. Nice to hear ya'll made it home ok. So sorry your little guy has the sniffles. Hope he gets better soon. Have a wonderful "get together" today!

  2. Missy - I am so glad you are able to enjoy Thanksgiving with your family. Hope you and Griffin are feeling back to normal soon!

  3. Yay!!! Missy is in Florida!!!

    Hope Griffin is feeling better. I know yesterday was a big day for your family to celebrate Thanksgiving.

    Looking forward to our lunch date on Friday. Robin and Sherry will be there too!!!

  4. I am so happy you are where you love to be this Thanksgiving. I send you all hugs aplenty and would love to see pictures of your lunch with Andi and the girls!

    Hugs to little G and hope he is feeling better by now.

    Love to you all.

    I am blessed to know you!


  5. Anonymous8:01 AM

    Enjoy Missy
