Thursday, October 11, 2007

Road Trip & More.

So many of you guessed our family adventure was apple picking ... oh my ... that would have been SO much fun! Maybe we can do that soon. The picture of Griffin with his red wagon was actually taken in our backyard.

Our adventure was actually a road trip with Mike. He was called away on an emergency call on Sunday, and he asked me if Griffin and I wanted to go with him. Sure we did!! So, Sunday morning we loaded up the car, headed north west through Virgina, then drove all the way through West Virginia ... finally reaching our final destination of Kentucky. Mike's job was actually a few miles away in Ohio, however the closest hotel was in Kentucky. So he got us all set up at the hotel and off he went. Griffin and I didn't have a car, so we were lucky to have a Walmart in the very same parking lot as our hotel. Off to Walmart Griffin and I went for magazines, snacks and a balloon. It was great fun playing "hooky" for a little while. Our drive there, I was hoping the fall leaves would be changing. They had just barely started changing ... so I have no beautiful fall foliage pictures to share now. It was really nice to get away for the night.

We have had sooooo many wonderful adventures the past few weeks that I've not been able to share yet. With the dial-up internet connection we have, it just takes forever to load even one picture!

So ... let me share a bit of what we've been doing ... I will share more about them with pictures and such as soon as I can.

Field Days of the Past ~ A great local event
Goochland Farmer's Market
Richmond Children's Museum
Ryan's 3rd Birthday Party
Playdates Galore!

Today I've been getting ready for the Pumpkin Party we are having at our house tomorrow. We have invited 9 of Griffin's friends and their Mommies over to our house for a pumpkin themed party. Today I spent cleaning the house ... but it seems no matter how much I clean, things never LOOK clean. I did manage to get the mess of what I call my "Scrapbook Room" (actually the dining room) cleaned up. I finally got the curtains ironed and put back up in the living room ... I washed them in July, pulled them out of the dryer and they needed ironing ... never took the time to get to them until today. And ... I mowed the grass. Mike was working at home, but has a 6:00 meeting tonight ... so while he was working and looking after Griffin, I mowed the yard. I actually LOVE to mow the grass. Ever since I was a little girl, I've loved to do this. It's something I always did with my Dad.

I think I have enough of everything for tomorrow. I think we are going to eat "picnic style" on quilts in the back yard. I just hope it doesn't rain tonight. I really do not have enough tables/chairs for everyone to sit in ... so I thought picnice style would be fun.

And then ... last night ... my heart went a flutter ...

I sing this song to Griffin that my Daddy used to sing to me ... "I Love You a bushel and a peck and a hug around the neck" ... well, after I sang it to him last night, he walked away singing it. This just grabbed my heart and stayed with me all night. Gosh, I love our boy!


  1. heart went a flutter when you mentioned that song.." A bushel and a peck" step dad sang that to my kids and my youngest especailly associates that song to him.
    I just LOVE the pic you have of Griffin in the rear view mirror!!
    You take the greatest photos...not the normal "stand and smile" but really interesting pictures.

  2. Sounds like you are having lots of fun and staying busy.. My mom use to sing that song to me too and I sing it to my kids now..

  3. Oh- if I am thinking right-we may have only been an hour or so away in Ohio. Next time let me know and maybe Sue and I could meet you somewhere :)

    Love the pic of Griffin :)

    Take care,

  4. My Daddy used to sing that to me as well...

    MISSY! I have not heard from you in so long...but do you know you were not very far from me??? Oh how I wish you could have called me. I would have driven down!!!

    LOVE the picture of Gman...driving Daddy's car!

    He is such a are you.

    Have a wonderful weekend!


  5. Missy that has got to be the most adorable picture of your little man Griffin!!! So cute!

    Sounds like you've been a busy girl.

    Your post is wonderful. I too remember my Daddy singing that very same song. How wonderful that traditions as special as that can continue with each generation.

  6. WOW you have been busy. I love love love the picture of Griffin in the mirror. That is so precious!
