Thursday, October 18, 2007

400th Post ... Roll Call!

Okay ... so it's been a week since my last post and I've known for a week that my next post was #400 ... I was going to pretend it was later and just post that it was my #400 post on like post #403 ... when I actually had time to think of something fun and clever to do to celebrate my #400 ... but ya'll ... this really IS my #400 and I want to stay true to the number.

So ... what I would like to do is say ROLL CALL to all of my readers ... and everyone that posts under the ROLL CALL post will be entered into a drawing for a fun little gift package (not sure yet what it will be ... but it will be fun). When posting on the ROLL CALL, please let me know who you are, where you are from and what you like me to share best (Mommy Stuff, Griffin Stuff, Scrapbooking Stuff ... etc). I really like knowing who visits my blog and why you come ... REALLY I do!

I really wanted to post a picture with this post ... but honestly, I just do not have the time.

Life is so busy right now ... I have soooo many fun adventures to share with you ... so many cute pictures and even a couple of new layouts. We'll see when I can get all of that shared.

So here goes ... ROLL CALL everyone ... you have through Sunday night, October 21st to respond here to be entered for the drawing. I will draw the "winning name" on Monday, October 22nd.

I can't wait to see who visits!!


  1. Anonymous5:10 PM

    Jen's here!
    Well, I visit because I like you~how's that for simple and right to the point.

    Hope all is well Missy

  2. Anonymous6:56 PM

    Hi Missy, This is June Bruce,(remember me!) I must admit I visit your blog quite often. I love seeing the pictures of your little guy and reading all your stories. I also enjoy your paper piecings you are so creative!

  3. Here!It's me.."mom"
    I check your blog every day (still) and love reading about little G, your adventures and love seeing your new creations as always. I enjoy your pictures the most, you're so creative in your photo taking! Happy 400th post!! Here's to the next 400..cheers!

  4. I'm here! I love reading about everything! You already know your paper piecing is what brought me here, but I love hearing about your family and what a devoted mommy you are!

  5. I am always here dear Missy. I don't know if you are still visiting me but I do love to come and see what little G is up to! You are such a sweet and special person...I always enjoy seeing a new post from you.
    Happy 400th!
    Love ya'll,

  6. Anonymous9:57 AM

    Hi Missy! This is Kristen Cooper and I started buying some of your products on ebay and my cousin told me about your site. I visit offen to hear of all the great adventures you and Griffin have. My son is around the same age. Congrats on #400.

  7. Anonymous11:35 AM

    Hi Missy, its Wendy from PA, I just love to read your blog weekly -- mostly everyday life with your little one, he is so cute. I am so much like you in the way that I am SAHM too and run a scrapbook business. I get alot of ideas from you -and remember when my little one was that small too, now she is 12 --almost a teenager, wow! Glad I found your blog to read weekly - I enjoy it.

    Wendy, from PA.

  8. Anonymous12:30 PM

    Hi Missy,

    I come to your blog often and look forward to your post. I have bought some of the cute things you make from you.
    I am from Ventura Ca, orgionally from Portland Oregon but call Ca my home for the last 10 years. I have 2 daughters both away at colleges. Not to far we cant seem them so thats good they are in state.
    Have a great weekend also. Keep posting i miss when you dont post.
    Oh any more great receipes i loved the corn on the cob you made and posted one time..

  9. Hi Missy,
    It's Wendy From Virginia

    I love visiting your post lately seeing all your layouts, I am so glad you are scrapbooking Griffin now!!

    Happy 400th

  10. Cindy is here too, enter me in. See you Saturday night :)

  11. Hi Missy! It's just Andi from Winter Haven, Florida. I'm proud to call you my friend...something I've done for many many years. We've worked together, and scrapbooked together...among other things.

    Congratulations on your 400th post. You my dear Missy are the reason I have a blog!

    I have to say it was like a blast from the past to see the second comment left on this post was from June Bruce!!! I told Robin that this morning...we all remember her.

  12. Anonymous8:51 AM

    I am Jen from PA, I visit because I love to hear about your little one and pretty much anything that you have to say. I found you through your paper piecings which are so cool.

  13. Anonymous7:49 PM

    Hey Missy!

    I love your paper piecings and I love to see what you and Griffin are up to.

    I've ordered from you online and via ebay, and always been thrilled with the results!

  14. Hi Missy,
    I'm late checking blogs, and you don't have to enter me into the drawing -- I just wanted to say HI, and that I check in frequently to see what you and little Griffin are up to! He's such a cutie, and he reminds me so much of my Tony when he was that age!
    Take care,
    Sheila from Chicago

  15. Little late but i check every so often..
    Griffin is such a doll

  16. I don't need to be in your drawing, but I wanted to congratulate you on your 400th post. You are a sweetheart! :o)

  17. I know I am too late-Heh-Terri here. Congrats on 400!!

    Take care,
    Terri from Ohio

    Love your sharing of all
