Monday, July 23, 2007

Meeting Julie.

This is a picture of Julie and me scrapbooking together in my messy dining room ... now you can see where I work!

Have you ever had a "really good friend" that you've never actually met?

I met Julie, the person I call my "really good friend" online 9 years ago.

She started as a customer of mine on Scrapbooking Auction Site. And through the years our friendship has grown and blossomed into something I value alot. In addition to being a great friend, she's still a really good customer too ... something I feel really funny about sometimes.

Well ... after 9 very long years ... we finally met in person!!

She's recently started driving a semi truck and her schedule allowed her to come and visit us for a few days.

I'll be very honest ... I was VERY, VERY, VERY nervous. We've chatted on the computer, talked on the telephone alot, exchanged pictures ... etc ... but this was REAL LIFE. And you know what? She's exactly the way I've imagined her to be all of these years.

We've had alot of fun shopping, chatting and we actually did some scrapbooking together.

Griffin took right to Julie ... it's so cute ... he loves her so much ... and so do we!!!

Thanks for coming to see us Julie!


  1. How cool that you and Julie finally got to meet "in person"!!! Cute picture of you two scrapbooking!

    I think Bren may be the first blogger I actually get to meet since I've discovered she lives in Polk County. You might want to check out her blog Missy. The link is on my page.

  2. How neat that you got to meet. Very nice. There are some people in this world that you can just click with. Julie is one.

    Take care,

  3. How cool to meet someone after 9 years!!

    Thanks for the birthday wishes!

    Hugs to you and yours!!


    p.s. I was a bridesmaid LOL

  4. How cool is that!! I love that you two got together!

    Some day I am gonna meet up with you and Andi...I KNOW it! I loved being with Jen...maybe we ALL could meet. Wouldn't that be fun?

    I am so glad you had fun!!


  5. Anonymous7:02 AM

    Very nice!

    That would be so, you Andi and Sue!!
