Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Baltimore ... It's Weird Down Here

First of all ... Blogger is doing something funky and will not let me go in and edit the html of my posts. That's the way I've always managed to get my pictures and wording where I wanted them. So, I'm not really sure how this is going to look. First you will probably see pictures and then wording.
This past week Mike's Dad Ray and Step Mom Jeri came for a visit. It was a great visit. Jeri is SO good with Griffin ... she spent lots of outdoor time with him.
We went to the zoo on Monday. Then on Tuesday and Wednesday Ray helped Mike finish the siding on the addition. They had to rent lift and it was nice to have Ray here to help Mike. Thursday Jeri, Griffin and I went shopping.
And then on Friday ... we drove to Baltimore. It's only 2.5 hours from our house. I had no idea it was so close.
We arrived and we were greeted to a beautiful downtown on the inner harbor. It's so gorgeous ... and let me tell you ... WEIRD! That's actually the slogan for downtown "It's Weird Down Here". There were so many people dressed in what I would call costumes. But I think they must dress that way all the time.
We had a wonderful lunch at Phillip's Seafood right on the water. The picture of the Caesar Salad and Chesapeake Crab Cake is my wonderful lunch. It was delicious! It's my first crab cake ... ever! It was so, so good!!
The first picture is of the city as we were driving in.
The 2nd picture is Mike, Griffin and me in from of the Constellation. Gorgeous Boat!
The 4th picture is Ray, Jeri and Griffin at the Baltimore Aquarium. That was our original destination. Let me just say this ... NO STROLLERS. Uggghhh!!! It was horrible!! Griffin wanted to be everywhere but where we wanted him to be. They wouldn't allow us to carry him on our shoulders and he was too big for the backpacks you could rent. Let's put it this way ... it was NOT the most fun part of the trip.
We left the Aquarium after just a short time and ended up at Discovery Zone. It's like an indoor playground for children. Griffin LOVED this.
The last picture is of the Hard Rock Cafe ... I just liked the way this picture looked and thought I would share.
I asked a couple of people if they knew where Charm City Cakes was ... those of you that watch The Food Network know it's Duff Goldman's Bakery (Ace of Cakes). No one seem to know what I was talking about.
It was a GREAT time!!


  1. Oh! We always enjoyed Baltimore too. Fun place. Weird too. But then. I am weird so I guess I fit in huh? : )
    NO strollers would be awful!! We did not make the aquarium...but the waterfront is such fun.
    Took a ballpark tour and Fort McHenry...just a nice city to visit.
    Looks like you all had a sweet time.
    I am so glad you have had visitors Missy. I know you enjoyed it all.

    I don't know why blogger does such weird things (Must be from Baltimore) but I will just remember you come but can't comment!

    Give that little man a hug!!!


  2. So glad you're back to blogging! I missed hearing from you! I cannot believe you couldn't take a stroller - that would be pure torture! Looks like you had a great time and got to enjoy lots of company!

  3. Love the pictures! I've never been there. It's too bacd you couldn't find Charm city cakes. I would love to see that.
    SO glad your friend of 9 years finally got to meet and that you even got to scrap together. :o)

  4. Looks like you had a great time *smile* Love the pics and thanks for sharing.

    Take care,

  5. Baltimore looks weirdly wonderful! I think I want to go there. I told Gene you went and had seafood on the water and he seemed interested. He loves crab cakes. I think he ordered them at every lunch and dinner meal in San Francisco. Great pictures!

  6. Anonymous7:01 AM

    that's why we never went to Balt. Aquar. until recently because of the stroller deal. Ticked me off!

  7. Looks like a fun time - loved the pictures!

  8. National Convention for the Red Cross will be held in Baltimore in March of 2008. With any luck I will be able to go along for the trip with Tom. I've never been there and am a HUGE fan of crab cakes...makes my mouth water just thinking of them.

    Glad you had a fun time with your family.

    Hugs to you and yours!!!
