Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Out Of His Way.

I love all things Americana ... so I decided to make an American Flag Mulberry Bear. I grunged it up a bit ... I like things like that ... a little worn.

I have to share a great customer service story about our local grocery store. Honestly, I can not say I've gotten GREAT customer service from anyone lately ... until yesterday!

Our local grocery store had Breyer's Ice Cream on sale 4 for $10.00. Yesterday was the last day so I decided I better stock up before the sale was over. So, I went over to the ice cream aisle and the freezers are EMPTY. There were two people there stocking from a huge frozen box of ice creams ... so they asked me to come back. After about 10 minutes I went back and found my Light Chocolate Mocha Silk (it's yummy!) and I was looking for the Light Cookies 'n Cream for Mike. It wasn't out yet and was not on the perimeter of the ice creams I could see. So, I decided to just get the regular Cookies 'n Cream. This store was sooo busy and I had to wait in the check out line for a really long time. As the lady was about to scan the regular Cookies 'n Cream ... the man from the ice cream aisle came running over and said ... "Here's the light cookies 'n cream you wanted". Wow!! He went out of his way to make sure that I got what I wanted. Now THAT was excellent customer service!!


  1. Anonymous9:01 AM

    that was so nice!

  2. You gotta love a Good Ice Cream man

  3. That's so nice when people go out of their way to help like that!

  4. Oh Missy, I love that you shared the ice cream story with us. I love good customer service and know how to give it so I like it in return. And I love going to a manager and praising someone who does a really great job taking care of me.

    I remember back at the Bank in Auburndale...you knew everyone that walked in the door and called them by name. The customers loved you and it was easy to see why!

  5. It is always wonderful to hear a GOOD story for a change! We all know the awful ones all too well but there ARE great people out there aren't there? *smile*

    Hugs to you all,

  6. Your bear is too cute!!
    Love it when people go out of their way for you. Just makes ya smile!!

  7. There are good people that give good customer service. Sometimes it is hard to find but when you do it is nice.

    Thank for sharing.
    Take care,

  8. You know how much I love Amaricana too, so I think this one is adorable. (well they ALL are)
    That was very sweet of the man to go out of his way for you...so nice!
