Friday, June 15, 2007

Momma & Kim.

I wanted to blog about something today as it is heavy on my heart. I know I probably won't have time tomorrow ... so ... it's a day early.

My Momma (Syble) and my cousin Kim both shared the same birthday of June 16th. When I was a little girl I thought that was pretty neat.

The sad thing is neither Momma or Kim is alive to celebrate their birthday tomorrow. My Momma would have been 74 and Kim would have been 40. Both of these wonderful people passed away far too young. My Momma was only 43 when she died ... and Kim only 39. It's so sad ... Kim did not live to see her 40th birthday.

I will be 40 in September. I can hardly believe it. I used to think 40 was SO old. Now, I realize, it's not old at all. I don't know what it is ... but I think once I pass the age of 43 I will feel differently somehow. I know my sister did.

I just know I wish I had both of these people, HERE ... with me now ... so I could tell them how very much I love them and miss them.


  1. Anonymous7:57 AM

    I agree...both very young to pass.
    I don't know what else to say really...don't be too sad.

  2. Missy,
    Bless your heart, this must be a very difficult time for you. I have never really lost anyone in my immediate family, so I can't really say I know how you feel. But I do know one thing, that your mother must have had a very kind heart, and a very loving personality, because you show it everyday in the love you give your son and husband and your giving ways with the sweet things that you do for others (me)lol. I know that we are really strangers, but I feel like I have made a friend, so know that your friend (all of your bloger friends) are here for you when ever you need an ear to bend.

    So I say Celebrate today two lives that obviously made a Fantastic difference in your life!


  3. I also agree that their passing was at such an early age. Think of all the great times and have happiness in your heart for them.

    Turning 40? You baby. Try 51 in August *smile*.

    I remember working at K-Mart years ago. I was 19 and a lady turned 30 that day. She was crying all day at work. So-being the brat I am-I made fun of her. I would walk past her and make crying/sobbing noises. She told me that when I turned 30-think of her.

    Well- I did and 30 was great. 40 Was not so bad. But 50 kind of bothered me until I thanked God for letting me be here.

    Take care,

  4. Oh Missy, your Mom would be so proud of you and the wonderful person you are and that perfect little grandson Griffin. Both your Mom and Kim were much to young to leave this earth but you'll be around a long time to watch that little boy of yours grow up. Celebrate whatever happy memories you have of their lives and live each day like it's special...because you're special.

    Hugs, Andi

  5. Hi Missy, I just wanted to let you know that I will be praying for you tomorrow. June 16th is also my brothers birthday. He didn't make it to see his 40th either. Actually he didn't see his 30th. Sounds to me like the 16th is a very special for some very special people. Hugs, Heidi

  6. Anonymous7:18 AM

    My name is corrina. I too am sorry for your lost. I am only 24. This July 22 will mark the one year anniversary of my mother's death.
    She past away after a horrible car accident, some teenage boy ran a stop sign and she could not stop. I miss her ever day and wish she could be here to see her grand baby. Emily was born jan 3rd and looked just like all my mother baby pictures. I think God every day for the time that i have or had with my loved ones. We never know when are time is up, so remember the good times and smile. I believe One day you will see them again. God Bless.....

  7. Oh Missy...I am so sorry that this day gives you such pain. Do try to remember the happy times and wonderful memories. Know how proud they would be of you and that little sweetie. Revel in the knowledge that they loved you and you them...and in your life with Mike and Griffin.
    You are an amazing and loving person.
    We will all celebrate these two lives
    and what they meant to you! is my brother's 40th BD today!

    Love ya,

  8. It is so amazing how, as we get older, we realize really how young our mothers and grandmothers were when we were little. 40 is not old at all (I'm only a little over a year from it myself!)
    I can only imagine how hard it must have been to lose your mother so young. Hugs to you!!

  9. I can only imagine how hard this is for you and how much you miss them. These wonderful women obviously touched your life in many special ways that made you the person you are today. My sister died at 40 and it is far too young.

  10. Missy...I know your Mother and cousin are so proud of the woman and mother you've become! You are truly an amazing, loving, giving person, some of which comes from your Mother's love and care. I know how hard our departed loved ones B-days, D-days can be... but try to remmeber all the happy times and not the negtive fact that they are no longer here. I still cry just thinking of Frank and my Mom..I miss them so..but it's getting easier to smile as I think of them too..the good memories, silly things ect. Celebrate the love that you feel for these two ladies who passed so young and think of them with a smile of warmth and love.
