Sunday, December 10, 2006

Our Visit With Santa ...

Yesterday it was FREEZING outside ... really too cold for Mike to work outside on the addition. It was a PERFECT day to go to Short Pump Towne Center to see Santa!

Santa greets Griffin

Santa & Griffin ... after standing in line an hour and a half to see Santa, it was finally our turn. Wouldn't you know it ... as soon as we walked up, the professional photographer's camera malfunctioned. I tried snapping some pictures on my own, but it was a bit hard since they were all working around me trying to get THEIR camera fixed. This is the best picture I got of Griffin with Santa. We may go back next week, during the day when there's not so many people to try again.

The Christmas tree is humongous and just beautiful. There were alot of different characters there as well. Can you see Raggedy Ann and the Toy Soldier in this picture?

Since the mall is in Short Pump (yep that's the name of the town) ... the mall's them is water pumps. It was soooo cold out there was ice on the water pump fountain.

Brrrrrr .... cold!!!


  1. I think the pictures are adorable! I love the victorian Santa suit Mr. Claus is wearing and the setting is so pretty. Love your little G walking up to greet him!

    Sure looks cold there!!! Stay warm!

  2. Anonymous6:51 PM

    Those pics are good of your little man and Santa.
    I'm impressed he wasn't afraid of him. My youngest says Santa is a FREAK. Yes, my 4 yo said he's a freak OH MY

  3. What an amazing Santa! He really looks the part and little G looks like they are old pals. I love the whole victorian look.

  4. Anonymous11:57 PM

    LOVE the Santa! Your pictures were so much fun.

    Your little man was so brave! Walked right up all by himself!

    Stay warm and have a wonderful week!


  5. The pictures you took with Santa are still very cute. I would hate to go wait in a long line again.
    That tree is gianormous! I can't believe how cold it is there. Love the spicket fountain...cute design.
