Saturday, December 09, 2006


I am soooo dang excited ...

When Griffin was napping today I made this Tear Bear Paper Piecing. It has been far too long since I've made something new. It was *FUN*! I believe the creative bug has bitten me once again. Gosh ... I'm glad to have some ideas and inspiration again! And *YES* I'm listing it on EBAY! Wish me luck ... it's been along time since I've listed a new paper piecing there.


  1. You should be soooo dang excited...because that is just soooo dang cute!!! Missy this is really just adorable. Hope you get lots of orders!!!

  2. Oh so Cute, You'll do great with it on Ebay.. I've always loved all of your work... Too bad I don't scrap..... T

  3. Anonymous10:23 PM

    This is so cute! I hope you have loads of bids and orders! And that picture of your sweetie in the laundry basket is SO cute! : )

    Have a wonderful, warm, Sunday!


  4. Oh my gosh! I so remember seeing your paper piecings on ebay a long time ago. I remember thinking how stinking sweet are those bears! This was before I "knew" you. :o) Good luck, but you wont need it.

  5. Anonymous6:52 PM

    OH That is sooo cute!

  6. Sooooo cute..but you always make the cutest paper piecings. Ya know... it's cause of you I got into them! (you created a monster! lol) Ahhhh... that seems so very long ago. I know what you mean about getting the "creative juices flowing"...that's always been my favorite part of paper piecing, making something "new".
    With the new job, I won't be making them for sale anymore...but never say ... I might be back on ebay again with them.
    Gosh Missy... remember when you were getting $20 and over for you little "dolls"? I was sooooooo green with
    I wish you the best of luck as always on ebay....after all you ARE the ORIGINAL!

  7. Realaly cute! And as always you do great work. You are quite creative!

