Friday, November 03, 2006

The Walmart Sticker ....

Nothing makes me happier than seeing my child happy. One of the things that makes Griffin happiest is getting a sticker when we enter Walmart. Mr. ABC is our favorite door greeter and he is so sweet and kind to Griffin. You may have seen Mr. ABC before ... he did a Walmart commercial a few years ago. The one where the gingerbread dances around Walmart with a very sweet gray haired man. Well, that gray haired man is Mr. ABC. Anyway ...

When we enter Walmart, Mr. ABC puts the smiley face sticker on Griffin's hand. The entire time we are in Walmart, Griffin admires his hand. It's so funny and cute. It's so adorable to see him proud of something. He will not let me take it off either. He wears it from the minute he gets it until bedtime ... when of course I have to take it off. Ahhh ... simple pleasures.


  1. O, Missy, looks like you visited my second home today. Wal Mart has been putting those little smiley stickers on kids forever, my kids used to get them. I guess some things will never change. I'm glad Griffin has so much fun with something so simple.

    By the way, how was your day yesterday? and Happy Friday, I'm off to bed now, I didn't get to sleep much yesterday....


  2. And nothing should make you happier than seeing your child happy!!! You're a wonderful mother...don't ever even question that! And isn't it delightful that something as simple as a sweet smiley face sticker can make a child happy and proud! Maybe adults should look for their inner child more often.

  3. Missy...that is so sweet! I agree with really are a wonderful mother. How neat to have Mr. ABC at your store.
