Thursday, November 02, 2006

Confessions of a Mid-Atlantic Housewife

Confessions of a Mid-Atlantic Housewife ...

After arriving home from doing errands yesterday, I put my nightgown on at noon and kept it on the entire day, never stepping foot outside the house again.

I dug out all of the leftover mini Hershey Bars from our Halloween candy so I can have a little chocolate stash when I "really" need it.

I let Griffin have four slices of cheese for a snack after his afternoon nap ... I gave him two and he wanted more ... so I gave him two more.

I really, really, really wanted KFC for dinner last night but since I do not drive at night ... I ended up having one of those cheapy little Totino's pizzas for dinner while watching Tivo'd Oprah. It wasn't half bad after I added smoked ham, mozerella cheese, feta cheese and green olives to it.

I am dying to go to the Dancing With The Stars Tour that is coming to Richmond in January. Maybe, just maybe Santa will hear me.


  1. I love your blog! I was actually thinking of doing a "confessions" blog myself and then I read yours and it made me laugh!!!

    Okay...I don't drive at night either! And I've NEVER watched Desperate Housewives on television...never even seen 1 episode. So I don't get the hype or even what it's all about.

    I do however hope for you that Santa hears your request to attend the Dancing With the Stars show! That would be so awesome to attend.

    Have a great day...and get dressed girl!!! (My other confession was about not answering my door on Halloween night because I wasn't dressed). Yesterday I found out it was my boss, his wife and baby daughter! Yikes!!!

  2. I forgot to the new picture on your blog!!! You and your little Bob the Builder Griffin look adorable!

  3. I have 10 of those little pizzas in the freezer right now. My boys love them!

  4. Anonymous11:51 AM

    Oh me too...I love Dancing with the Stars...Mario can shake it for me anytime, LOL
