Thursday, October 12, 2006

Say Please ...

Griffin has only a few words in his vocabulary. Daddy, Mama, Bye Bye and Please. We are working on more words and I'm really hoping he will say "Grandma" by the time we see her in November.

When Griffin wants something we encourage him to "Say Please". And he does, and it sounds something like "A Peas" ... it's really very cute and we are pleased he is doing this. I couldn't figure out why he was putting the "A" in front of please though ... then it hit me ... he's saying "say" too. You know we say "Say Please" and that's what he's saying ... "A Peas" ... my heart did a little flutter when I figured it out.

We were watching Dancing With The Stars last night and I was actually surprised Willa & Maksim went home. They were very good and quite honestly this season has turned into a popularity contest. I really hope Emmitt & Cheryl or Joey & Edyta win. Mario & Karina just do not set well with me. In my opinion, Joey is just as good as Mario, but they seem to have completely different attitudes. I've been very surprised about Jerry Springer's dancing ability as well. He's actually quite good ... and funny. The Tennesse Waltz he and Kym did moved me to tears.

This season is so much different than last. The minute I saw Drew & Cheryl step on the dance floor last year, I rooted for them the entire season. I really do not feel that way about any team this year, well except maybe Emmitt & Cheryl. I'm keeping my fingers crossed they win this year.


  1. "A Peas"...what a sweet story!!! Be sure you journal that for G's baby book!!! Too adorable!!!

    I was dissapointed when Willa and Max were eliminated last night as well. I thought she was a great dancer! I'll be rooting for Emmitt now.

  2. So cute! Little G is growing up so fast.
    I have started watching Dancing With The Stars this season, and find myself wondering why Jerry Spinger and partner are still on there? Last night even Jerry seemed stunned! He really looked like he was ready to go home, and was so surpised that he was not. I am rooting for Joey, Mario and his partner just rub me wrong...don't know why.
